This is "Three Bear Holler" which is about a fifty acre N.C. based property which is
fully self sufficient. It comes with multiple homes for adult children or extended family and outbuildings.
I have mentioned before that one of the hottest and most dynamic sectors in real estate right now is the "survival home" or "preparedness compound". Of course, almost anyone over time, can fashion an excellent family home which lends itself to preparedness. Buying an expensive prepper complex or survival home simply affords the purchaser a manner of more rapidly acquiring one that is more fully supplied or ready for immediate use. Such a home may potentially have more self sufficient heating, cooling, water and cooking systems. Such a home may also have been stocked in advance with supplies prior to the purchase itself. A lot of these homes list for between 1.2 and 3.3 million US dollars. However, because some of them are in secluded regions, some of the smaller homes, that still feature the larger acreage are simply a few hundred thousand US dollars. With the acreage, ponds and systems included, some of them really are an excellent buy.
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This is one of the additional homes which is included in "Three Bear Holler"
Having evolved to being a natural cynic, I always wish to know why people would invest in a large piece of secluded land, spend the money in such a labor of love only to place the compound up for sale a couple of years after completion. In the last five years or so, I have kept a tally of the reasons people were selling their defensible preparedness compounds. The most common reason for selling over all, was a serious health challenge. Building a home in a very secluded place takes your family away from major medical centers and from state-of-the-art or world class medical care. If someone in your household develops a serious illness or cancer, then many times, the choice to sell is made. The next most common reason for selling such a compound is that a spouse has died. Sometimes the spouse who has died was the one who knew all about the compounds special systems and its required maintenance. Other times, simply living there without the spouse fuels a desire to sell and move on to somewhere less isolated. Financial problems and divorce have also been reasons given for parting with a fully stocked survival home.
This is a home which is seven thousand square feet on just slightly less than sixty acres. It is located in Washington State and has a myriad of features including a creek.
Lately, I have observed that an awful lot of people, in both the US and in foreign lands are selling their preparedness homes or preparedness farms. The reason given more frequently now is that many of the owners of the American prepper complexes are leaving the United States. This is particularly interesting. Why would they heavily invest in a particular region within the US and then change their minds, believing that another place could be safer or at least more beneficial to their families ? Before you invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in a particular property aimed at creating a long term survival home, would you not have explored everything from the health care, defensibility of the location, potential for natural disaster, tax rates, etc ?
This is a Spanish style home built to American standard in Panama. It rests on twenty seven acres and the home is 4000 square feet. Is is solar powered with the exception of the washing machine which runs via generator. It has a greenhouse and a chicken coop.
Sometimes, I suspect that a family who has created an excellent prepper property has simply completed the task over years and just has some ideas about how they might do some things differently. Perhaps selling and starting over again from scratch is simply a part of the prepper lifestyle, since so many of us descend from those who historically had the pioneer spirit.
Important Information and Disclaimer:
I have no financial or personal interests in the properties for sale which I chose to profile here today. Please do all the research you can and your due diligence prior to investing in any property whatsoever.
All of the properties profiled were, in fact, available for sale when this post was written.
Please realize that foreigners are not always permitted to own properties in foreign lands. It's best to do all of your research before visiting a nation for the purpose of acquiring real estate and certainly before committing to any transaction whatsoever.
Of course, much smaller properties exist also, and are likely best found by establishing a business relationship with a realtor in your desired target area.
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