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It's not going to happen, and neither are the jobs going to come with it. (Rendering from: www.stockrockandroll.com ) |
Dear Canada,
I have just read on a variety of news sources that you became tired of waiting to arrange the construction of the pipeline of oil from Canada to the United States. You have to put all the jobs that are waiting for the construction and activation of this pipeline into the hands of Canadians, and you have been waiting FIVE years !. I know that you wanted to send this oil to the United States, but that Barack Obama just couldn't allow anything that provided jobs, opportunities, and energy for Americans. So, you made the decision for him, and now both the pipeline trajectory and the the oil is headed to Asia. The jobs that would have come to Americans here on this side of the pipeline therefore won't be coming.
As an American who spends whatever time she can in our Canadian home, I wanted to apologize on behalf of the clear thinking people in America. No one I know voted for Barack Obama, the first or the second time. Those of us who read his books in advance of the election, realized that he had some very unusual ideas which are not American mainstream, and that his objective was not to advocate for American interests, but to knock our nation down a few pegs and provide us all with a humbling from which we might never recover. Say what you will about him, but he has been marvelously effective in that role. Huge numbers of Americans have been jobless now for years. More people are collecting food stamps and welfare than ever have before in our country. Food banks and the number of families who are dependent upon them have swollen beyond anyone's expectations. Utility costs are higher than they have ever been in much of the country. Our freedoms have been taken, one by one. Our phone calls are "captured" for NSA and posterity. I can't even have a bank account out of the country without notifying the US. Our police are no longer being trained to "protect and to serve" but to regard the citizenry as enemy combatants. People who ask questions could well be tazed. Although we had a few access problems with regard to US health care in some states, we now have a forced insurance program which is broadly defective. As a result, many of our best physicians and nurses have left practice altogether. Many people have chosen to leave the United States entirely. If you complain about the present administration in a public venue of some kind, then you are likely to be threatened with IRS audit or audited. I know this personally ! In addition, there is no effective means here of dealing with illegal aliens. It is very likely to be injured or killed by a license less Central American who has not been taught to drive here, but who drives to illegal jobs anyway. Congressmen apparently have spines like jello and won't stand up to an executive branch which has lost its mind and has not been advocating for the United States in quite some time.
So hopefully, Canada, you understand my apology and my blog post sized rant. My hope is that .you will understand that my family and I are very close to being refugees in a land that has gone mad in the present administration. We are all law abiding citizens. I can sing the Canadian National Anthem quite well, if this is important to you. So, how about it ? Can my husband and I and our three adult college educated children come to stay in Nova Scotia for good ? (We have a fourth son who is a teen who has not yet attended college, and we would have to convince him to move with us.) It would take some time to sell up here and locate a farm there. I know there aren't any jobs there either, but at least the people running the place are sane and are acting in the best interests of the citizenry. I know that your immigration is much tighter than ours, and that it can take a long time to get permanent resident alien status, and citizenship could be a long time coming.
So just let us know. I don't think we are going anywhere. It should be a few more months before our nation's economy collapses, and we actually become refugees.
It would be amusing if it weren't so true.
Let me know if you need help on the new farm. I hear Nova Scotia is a beautiful place. Sanity from a national government...I could really get used to a place like that! :-)
Nova Scotia is a beautiful place, however the taxes are highest there than in any other province and the caretakers to our home there can't find work either, and were born and raised there. Their own children went out west in Canada to find work. It is highly recommended by us for a vacation.
It's incredibly frustrating ! Thanks for posting, Gorges.
Alberta is crying out for skilled labor, nurses, engineers, truck drivers, mechanics etc. We also have a Medicare that is affordable and works (most of the time).
Alberta is where our caretakers children have gone to find work, and things are going well for them. However, our home is in NS ! Over all, Canada won't take skilled workers from the US when there is any possibility of getting Canadians. (I wish the US felt this way.) One of the times we entered Canada, they asked, "You aren't coming here to take a job from a Canadian, are you ?" We told them we were just here on vacation. Thanks for posting, Ian.
One of my most cherished friends lives in saskatchewan and has wonderful healthcare. While parts of NS are beautiful if you're standing in the right spot, the populace is rather backward and clannish. Does your particular area have better healthcare, or would a lot of traveling be involved? I'm shocked the taxes would be higher in that part of Canada since there seems to be no basic improvements provided for the citizens. What is your opinion of Halifax? I'd love to hear firsthand since I've read such horror stories about NS on the internet. Could you head west for better healthcare and lower taxes? Is my room ready? If I'm walking with a limp, it's only because my Mossberg is hidden down my pant leg.
Does it make any sense for us to send oil to Asia?
No, but it makes sense for the Canadians to send their their vast reserves of oil to Asia and put their own people to work, if Obama stands as a barrier to the pipeline. The oil was slated to come here for OUR use, in North America. Obama sat on the project creating barriers for five years. Now, the proposed pipeline which is in the rendering above will never be built and will not exist. Canada will be completely restructuring the plans for the pipeline, and having their own people build one which stretches to their West Coast, where the oil will be sold to Asia, where the manufacturing is, and the jobs are, while we continue to sink into the Third World until our own economy collapses.
I like the feel of Nova Scotia. Speaking both French and English I have not yet found a place I felt unwelcome. My favorite places are Shelburne, Annapolis Royal, Digby, Yarmouth, Clare, Lunenburg, Bridgewater, Hants, and I love Halifax. Baddeck on Cape Breton Island is lovely, and I love the inland sea. Yes, health care, dentists, and medical specialists are hard to come by. Jobs are very hard to come by. Income taxes are very high.
I can't have my handguns there, but we are allowed our shotgun, which is a good thing too. The wolves, raccoons and many of the other animals are much larger than the ones we find in Virginia !
Saskatchewan is what we call in Canada a "Have Not" province - ie - the health care is behind the others as federal transfer payments are required.
that being said - if you are hit by a bus - you will be fixed up for free. no questions asked.
all Canadians can expect the same standard of basic health care - it isn't a "for profit" or regional thing..
taxes are higher in NS as a result - in Canada - we call that "fair"
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