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This is Wendy's new interior plan for new restaurants. |
I am working to continue the series regarding Preparedness and the Childbearing Family . Life has intruded and we have a busy week here. I am also noticing that the number of readers of this blog from foreign lands has markedly increased, but interestingly, not so with Americans. Snaring huge number of readers, American or otherwise, was never really the objective. Placing accurate information on this blog, for reference, has been.
This week my travels have been many. I found myself sitting in a Wendy's restaurant eating a salad while hearing four conversations around me. One man and his wife have seen their federal taxes skyrocket this year due to changes in the tax law which were instituted this year. They were discussing whether or not to leave the United States.The man and his wife discussed everywhere from the South of France to Costa Rica. Two men to my right, who were some type of construction or infrastructure workers were discussing that they were each supporting several members of their family who can't find jobs of any type. One of them had been assigned to Maryland last week and was talking about scores of empty office buildings there. By the window, on the tall chairs, two women in their sixties were having a conversation in which one postulated that the American collapse is already here. There is no growth, simply deterioration and adaptation (paraphrased here). More and more people are unemployed, dependent upon foodbanks and relatives. People with bachelors and master's degrees are applying to work in Wal-Mart, she said. The media talks about a mythical financial improvement, and the Obama regime which has done a fair bit to perpetuate the lack of a recovery, acts as if they have us right on track. "It's the elephant in the room". Everyone knows it, but they are pretending that we aren't in a Depression.
I crunched my dressingless salad while listening to the conversations. I was oddly comforted by this dose of reality. For years I have managed preparedness as an intellectual exercise, and as changes came to America, post 2008, I wondered why, according to media, I was seeing changes, and not much about this was being reported on American mainstream media. If the Wendy's conversations are any representation, then Americans are waking up. The infrastructure construction men departed and their place was quickly taken by two older men who seemed to be friends. They immediately began a conversation concerning drones coming to American cities. The conversation descended quickly to their dismay regarding the disregard of the Constitution and the erosion of American rights. They were surprisingly well informed concerning the Patriot Act, and oversteps which have been occurring with regard to the federal government.
I had already spent more time on a lunchbreak than I should have. I refilled my drink and started to head out again. I was oddly recharged by my visit there, more so than a simple salad with chicken on it would normally have done. Perhaps the American people are waking up. Perhaps they are talking. Perhaps they can begin to select better representation and begin to address some of the really serious issues we have. I hope it's not too late.
Depressing topics indeed but am so glad people are waking up & having these types of conversations. Wish the conversations in my workplace break room were more along these lines, sigh.
Too little, too late, I fear. The death camps are already built and the storm troopers are among us. Still, please keep up the good work for those who ARE listening. Maybe the worst of the hardship can be avoided by the informed.
I would hope after 6 years of "Change" folks are waking up. The question is.."Are we too late?"
Both political parties, the media and schools are controlled by the progressive, well lets call it religion since it isn't a party but more of a belief system. There is little hope for this country because so many people believe this religion and no amount of facts can change their minds. It will take a disaster to fix things and even then they will be able to blame what ever happens on the non-progressives as they have such a firm hold on every institution. It is one of the most complete takeovers of a society in history.
I am glad also. We never know what amount of preparation could make all the difference !
I hope so. Did you know that today is Lenin's birthday ?
I pray not. Thanks for your post.
This is true, but perhaps we may still overcome all of this. I hope so. This was once a fine nation, imperfect of course, but capable of great good.
When our older generation dies the ones coming up will have been properly brainwashed and dummed down and probably high on pot. Unconcerned, uncaring, waiting for their govt check. Yes, people are waking up and talking....but that is not the same as doing, is it? With both parties in gov't corrupt, only interested in self interest and power, even elections will not do much good. The one world order is upon us, I am afraid.
I don't know. All my kids are college grads now (except the younger one we adopted whose not there yet.) and they are capable of thinking and earning a living. They know where the brainwashing of their education was attempted, and they can rebut the areas in which it is incorrect. They have lots of friends who can too. They don't know anyone on welfare or who gets a government check. I do think that the people you mention do exist, but it certainly isn't all the young people. Their friends impress me very much.
Oh well, my best friend, Helen, died last night, she hasn't got to worry about this shit anymore.
I am quite sure your children know people on welfare. But, they may not be aware of the fact that these people are on welfare. People assure me there are no gay people "in this town, in my church, on my block."
Mostly people who are considered "other" are not recognized because their welfare checks, sexual preference or whatever are not so visible. We don't have to require visible marks, yet.
I send condolences for the loss of your friend Helen. I hope her passing was an easy one.
The population where we are is so small that they do not deliver mail. Three post offices nearest us have closed, one recently and this started in the 1970s. People who are on welfare don't usually live in places where they must drive 35 miles to get milk and bread. We know people on disability. We know people on social security, and we know people who are receiving food bank assistance. They don't know people who are receiving Aid to Dependent Children. We do have a few gay people here who rather effectively run wholesale flowershops and other businesses.
My comment was not a put down to people who do, but simply an acknowledgement that America is far more diverse place to place than most people realize.
I forgot to say that the people receiving assistance are all people my age. The young people who are having difficulties leave here, simply because most intensely rural communities can be a difficult place to get a start.
Loving your blog I have book marked it and will be back.
Its the politicians spin doctors who spout trash. The more it is on the TV the more people believe it. Food banks are all over here. Due to our jobs I stock pile and rotate the food.
Last year we had 4 months with only my part time wage coming in. Due to our preparedness we sailed through it. I now know what we will eat, the items we didn't have enough of and the veggies I need to grow in the garden. it wasn't an emergency, but we were pretty close to the edge.
People here that I know are all 'planning the escape'. We are looking for a small holding type property here or in the south of France for the weather. We wont farm straight off, but we want the land to buffer ourselves from others and grow willow for fuel. we can farm if we have to later. We have prepared by taking a small holding course.
I am going to read on...
Welcome, Sol. I hope there is a lot here that will be helpful. Thank you for posting.
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