Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Progress on the Homefront

You can make your own baskets as gifts with materials from your Dollar Store.

If you start early, you can make many of your gifts.

This year, I am economizing with less expensive wraps and yarn.

For responsible family members who will not pawn or lose such a thing, a silver coin can be a great gift.

The news seems to indicate that the American Northeast has its power returning on almost a house by house basis. They have been aided by relatively mild weather which returned almost by the day after the storm.   I hear that Colorado is receiving heavy snow now also, although an October storm is more normal for them, than it is for Connecticut.    Here on the homefront I have had a busy week and got a fair bit done.   I gathered most of the Christmas presents for family and for the charitable things I do each year. It's now a question of wrapping and delivering them and then doing Christmas cards.  It's a good thing I worked ahead this year, because as soon as I had done this, I received bills for personal property taxes, property taxes, and some other house and farm related bills I thought would come later.  Once I pay these, I will likely not have much money left for the rest of the year, and of course, that places me squarely with most people, in the US and abroad.    I am pleased to be ahead of my work for the holidays and for winter preps. This way, I may be able to enjoy the holiday this year, a bit more than I normally do.  Try to get the jump on some of the things you need to do by years end, so that you too will have time for some of the more spontaneous and happy times in this upcoming season.

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