Friday, November 4, 2011

Autumn is Burning Like a Fire

      Autumn is a bit like a fire.  One moment everything here is all green, a few days later, a few trees are turning red. then by the weekend, some are gold.  Earlier than normal our autumn colors went from a smouldering campfire to a full fledged Autumn conflagration.  Time is ticking away and the prominent forests near our farm are letting us know that time before winter is burning quickly.
     Despite the fact that the US government claims that inflation is low, they are simply incorrect, or misguided. (I am being charitable here.)  Their calculations exclude fuel and food, and these are the things which are rising !  Families I know are gathering food not only for winter and bad weather, but for months from now when they believe food will be more expensive than today.
       I had wanted to have a couple of the outbuildings on the farm treated before winter. The quote I received today was quite high. I asked why it was so expensive, and the contractor said that the materials had risen thirty percent recently.  Unfortunately, this rise makes the preparatory treatment to the buildings unaffordable at this time. We will have to look into buying the correct equipment and perhaps doing it ourselves.
      Please use whatever time you have before winter to stock some emergency food, supplies, and whatever you need. Get your vehicle(s) ready for winter.  Do whatever maintenance is necessary.  Check your tires. Evaluate whether in your region you need to place snowtires on your car. Have your car winterized, or learn how to do this yourself.   Then plan for your holidays so you do not find yourself out in bad weather or overspending in advance of the holiday.  Lets make this time count.

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