Thursday, March 21, 2013

Concert is Tonight !

     This is just a last minute reminder that the Hurricane Sandy Benefit in New York City is Tonight !


 Buy Tickets Here

 This is a rare chance to see artists of this caliber, especially for such a low cost.   Tickets to see Sarah are often double this amount, and she does not come to the US often.   This is going to be an unusual concert in that it will also include a discussion on songwriting and include some stories. This is a rare chance to see another side of these artists.
   As most Americans know, Hurricane Sandy occurred four months ago and left many residents of New York and New Jersey without homes. The damage was significant.  Although New York City has promised aid and has collected a great deal, they seem to be busying themselves with things like trying to restrict the size of the soda its citizens and visitors can drink, rather than cutting through the red tape which would allow those made homeless from Superstorm Sandy, to move out of the basements of friends and relatives.
   These Canadian artists will donate the proceeds to Habitat for Humanity.  Thank you all for your efforts.

Please let me know if you have a chance to go.   Thank you.

My prior post on this subject:

This is Sarah Slean  singing  "California"


  1. Being totally agoraphobic AND claustrophobic, I've never attended a concert in my life! So thank you for the song so I can listen from the safety of my sofa.

  2. Lotta Joy, agoraphobia and claustrophobia was God and the universe indicating to you that it is time to stay home and write. Now that you have, you might find that the agoraphobia and claustrophobia are less acute ! Listen to the universe, my friend !

    (Lotta Joy has an exceptional new book out called "Treadwell". It's available by running a search on by Dana Joy Wyzard
    It is riveting in the truest sense of the word. )

  3. I truly have the worst of both worlds. I find it difficult to leave the safety of my home, and in crowds - or small spaces - I have to do everything in my power to keep smiling while I'm having a panic attack. Maybe one of my characters in my book should have had the same symptoms, but writing about them would consist of talking about their couch and the fact they never leave it. BORING

  4. Although I have traveled a fair bit, it is hard for me, and I don't enjoy it the way many other people do. I deal with this by having two in the US and one in Canada. As long as I am traveling from one to the other, I am "on my way home", and this is bearable. The days of traveling to Europe or Russia are likely over for me now. Traveling on planes is expensive, difficult and stressful now. Ships are less gracious and may be less safe than they were.
