Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Update on Canada's Probable Abolition of Long Gun Registry

Bill C-391 (to repeal long gun registry) passes second reading in Canada

  This is an update tp tell you that Bill C-391, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (repeal of long-gun registry) passed second reading in the House of Commons this week, by 167 votes to 134 (a very strong showing considering that the current Conservative Party of Canada government is a minority one). Bill C-391 is a private member's bill, and therefore the vote was not whipped, i.e. Members of Parliament could vote according to their constituents' wishes, not along party lines. An encouragingly large number of Liberal and New Democrat MPs from rural ridings, where the long gun registry is extremely unpopular, broke party ranks to vote in favour of the bill.

The bill now goes to committee for review, then third reading, following which it goes up to the Senate for review. The odds of the committee radically amending the bill are slight given that it is a very short bill, which repeals the long-gun registry provisions of the Firearms Act and requires that the registry records be destroyed. The Senate rarely alters a  Commons bills, and it would be unusual for MPs to vote against a bill in third reading that they had voted for during the second.

     I'll keep you informed !


UPDATE:   In a later post of ours we discuss the demise of the Canadian Long Gun Registry.
   Please see our post:

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