Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Alaska Readies for What May Be the Worst Storm in Known History

Alaska is facing an extremely dangerous storm which is likely to be life-threatening for many.  Winds nearing 74 mph with high seas are coming and likely winds will be 100 mph. This storm is reputed to be a thousand miles wide. Native settlements, which are often coastal will be in severe danger.  This is reputed to be the worst storm in recorded history in part due to its trajectory, which is much farther North than the storms which are normal and expected at this time of year.  Blizzards, heavy snowfall, coastal erosion, and unprecedented flooding, particularly to the west coast of Alaska is expected with this storm. Avalanches and the loss of many roofs due to both wind and snowload are likely.  Evacuation orders are being issued, especially for the small are in Nome in which the Iditerod Race ordinarily ends. My friends in Alaska need to batten down the hatches.  Please check on your friends and family who are in coastal Alaska. Do not fail to heed an evacuation order if it is given, and consider evacuation on advance of one if your gut, or other more tangible indicators tell you that you, and your family should leave.

The storm is expected to be particularly bad at the point of the Seward Peninsula
     UPDATE:  As of November 10, 2011, the storm is waning. Emergency officials report that the "worst storm in forty years" is just beginning to wind down, but still represents a danger to many towns and villages.

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