Monday, September 19, 2011

Prepper Podcast Radio Network Online Radio by Prepper Podcast | Blog Talk Radio

Prepper Podcast Radio Network Online Radio by Prepper Podcast | Blog Talk Radio
 (Direct Link to Tonight's Episode 3)

  (Updated link information:  )

Prepper Podcast Radio Network

Preppers Talk Radio for Survivalist/Homesteading and Preppers. The Preppers Podcast Radio Network (PPRN) PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE FOR A FASTER RADIO FEED AND CHAT! Founded to give all preppers more


Thanks for listening to Episode 3 of "Rational Preparedness".  If you missed it or need to listen again, you can click the link above and listen again.  Tonight's episode discussed aspects of "Sheltering in Place", with attention paid to aspects of doing so with children or with elderly or frail adults.  We also had a little time in which to begin to discuss our main Survival First Aid Kit, which is to be used when we remain in our homes during emergencies.

 Some of the products, books, or sponsors I mentioned tonight are as follows:     excellent broad site of survival and preparedness materials from a variety of perspectives.

Annandale Fireflies     A source of inexpensive luminescent jewellry suitable for gifts.

Books I mentioned:

"The Bird Flu...Preparedness Planner"   by Grattan Woodson MD        Pub. Health Communications Inc.
"Making the Best of the Basics...Family Preparedness Handbook:   by James Talmage Stevens,Gold Leaf Press
"Successful Small-Scale Farming...An Organic Approach"  by Karl Schwenke      Pub.  Storey Publishing

 Grundig Hand Crank Radio    google this     Can buy for about $35. for home and also "Evacuation Kit"

We began to discuss the elements and essential of a good Basic Survival First Aid Kit designed for sheltering in place. This will be the focus of Episode 4.

Thanks for all the valuable feedback. It's good to know you are all out there listening.


    Home base emergency kit building:
The items I mentioned thus far were:

1. Sterile 4x4 gauze, one large package for each family member.
2. Sterile 2x2 gauze, one large package for each family member.
3. Clean (not necessarily sterile) 4x4 gauze, one large package for each family member.
4. Clean (not necessarily sterile) 2x2 gauze, one large package for each family member.
5. One triangular style bandage for each family member.  (You could buy these of make them yourself using cut muslin fabric that you iron. and then place in small freezer bags to keep clean.)
6. A package of large safety pins.
7. Roller gauze, 6-8 of these, and add more when time and finances permit, of a variety of sizes,
8. Some chemical ice packs.  (To supplement the frozen ice sponges I taught you to make this evening)

   Since the emergency kit is a big effort and has a great deal in it, this is Step One Only.

There are numerous inexpensive suppliers for the above items on the internet.  Amazon is a great place to search for bargains on gauze and roller bandage supplies, both sterile and non-sterile.  These are some other good sources:       Express Medical Supplies   Critical Tool

The primary deficiency I see in most home first aid kits is a failure to stock sufficient amounts of gauzes and of peroxide and alcohol solutions.  Keep in mind that during a serious injury, that your entire supply of gauze gathered to initially stock your emergency kit, will be used in just a couple of days.

More on Emergency First Aid Kits for Home, next time, along with the entire comprehensive list.


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