Friday, September 23, 2011

Creating your own Emergency Medical Kit for Home Base

   There are an abundance of really excellent emergency first aid kits available for sale which range in cost from as little as twenty dollars to two and three thousand dollars for kits which are designed to travel with owners on expeditions. Interestingly, three thousand dollars is without the addition of prescription medications, which would have to be obtained through a physician before such a trip.  I don't agree that most people need to make that type of an expenditure.  There are some choices here. Since your Emergency Medical Kit is remaining at home, it could simply occupy one shelf of a particular closet, or it could have a shelved cupboard or closet all its own.  Some people like to place they Emergency Medical Kit in an orange backpack or similar bag, because they like the idea of mobility within their homes, and mobility of their medical supplies around their property.  Over the years we have done relatively every Emergency Kit configuration and we now do a little of both. I have a small room which houses medical supplies of all kinds, and an orange rolling backpack for nebulizer supplies and respiratory equipment.  Other types of emergency kits are packaged and hang on the walls in that room so that they can be quickly grabbed, or the expiration date can be assessed.  When people buy an expensive and elaborate kit, they are often reluctant to open and explore all of the elements in it, and therefore they have not committed to memory its contents. First select how you will house your Emergency Medical Kit for home base, and then begin to fill it yourself. This way, YOU know what is in your kit, where it is, and you will remember where you obtained the items in it when it's time to refill or replace something. We will begin this next show to discuss all the essential items when starting this endeavor.  Some of the items are listed in the preceding post.


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