Sunday, June 13, 2021

Please read the Advertising and Commentary Policy


               People read this blog, not because I am a registered nurse, a disaster preparedness consultant, a mother of many, or a former college instructor. There are plenty of people on the internet with qualifications, and many of them with more experience, or more credentials than mine.  They read this blog because they know I have integrity. They know that I don't sell things because they make money for me. They know I occasionally provide evaluations and criticisms of products, services and techniques I have tried. Some of them have worked out well for me, and others were costly mistakes. By sharing these, I hope to spare the reader the loss of time, and perhaps of money also.

              For years I have had a blog page found on every page of this blog entitled. It is located near the top of the page, at the bottom of the body of a roster of pages.  It is entitled,

      Our Advertising and Commentary Policy


              This has existed for years because I receive hundreds of attempts at posting in an attempt to advertise a product, or a cure for something, or a service.  Certainly, I cannot advertise or stand behind a company in Dubai that is unknown to me.  I also can't advertise an appliance company in India. I can't advertise a pest company in Canada when I have never used them.  I can't recommend an obscure cancer treatment that doesn't exist in any of the literature, and is, at best, anecdotal information.  

             If someone sends me a product and asks me to review it, then time permitting, I have done that in the past on a limited basis. However, I will provide an honest assessment, and my opinion is not bought.

          For those who have never read the Advertising and Commentary Policy, I am including it below today.

         Thank you.

  Effective May 1. 2014,  I will no longer be posting commentaries or responses to the posts here, when they includes or contain a link to a webpage for the purpose of advertising, unless there is a prior arrangement to do so. 

       Of late, a huge number of comments received do not relate at all to the post I have written.    Refrigerators on sale this weekend in India do not relate to a post on hand pumps for wells !    

        I am also being asked by others to remove comments or ads, and this is creating liability issues for me.  

     I  feel an obligation to provide information about products I actually use and can truly tell readers about, and not about products of which I know nothing.   

              My focus has always been to bring important preparedness information on varietal topics which only includes advertising when I personally know something about the product, and then I provide my own perspective and reactions.    My purpose has never been to log large numbers of followers, although we do have a fair number of unique users who although they have not signed up to become followers, but who do visit the site, and do participate.  We are a reference for reasonable family preparedness information and I do pay attention to issues of frugality here.

 I am also unable to allow posts here that have been placed anonymously or by "opaque users", due to issues of liability.   

I am also not available to the blogs on a daily basis, and so many comments, will simply not be reviewed or posted in a timely manner.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation.

#JaneofVirginia, #Jane-AlexandraKrehbiel,#RationalPreparedness,#RationalPreparednessCopyright,#RationalPreparednessAdve

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