RATIONAL PREPAREDNESS : THE BLOG is a supplement to the radio show/podcasts and book of the same name, by Jane-Alexandra Krehbiel, The BOOK, the BLOG, and the PODCASTS are FULLY COPYWRITTEN MATERIALS, 2012.RATIONAL PREPAREDNESS is a trademark owned by Jane-Alexandra Krehbiel. ~~ This site and the accompanying blog are the genuine and original RATIONAL PREPAREDNESS. Ms. Krehbiel DOES NOT ENDORSE THE PAGE or works OF ANYONE ELSE attempting to use THE NAME "RATIONAL PREPAREDNESS".
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Reminder About Comments That Contain Advertisements
In the last few months I have received a number of comments for posting on this blog, which also advertise a product or a service. Because I cannot appear to endorse a product or service that I know nothing about, I set a policy document regarding the posting of products or services in the form of a comment, back in 2014. The link to our Advertising and Commentary Policy document appears within the black rectangle at the near top of the page, with other pages which concern my books and other blogs. These pages appear as links and the lettering is blue. Since this particular page hasn't been noticed in the last several months, I have decided to post the page now as an actual post.
Please contact me should you have any questions. I do occasionally post and review a specific product or service, but a prior arrangement needs to be made. It took me time to research The Simple Pump, and some of the other products I have recommended. Thank you for your understanding.
Advertising and Commentary Policy
Effective May 1. 2014, I will no longer be posting commentaries or responses to the posts here, when they includes or contain a link to a webpage for the purpose of advertising, unless there is a prior arrangement to do so.
Of late, a huge number of comments received do not relate at all to the post I have written. Refrigerators on sale this weekend in India do not relate to a post on hand pumps for wells !
I am also being asked by others to remove comments or ads, and this is creating liability issues for me.
I feel an obligation to provide information about products I actually use and can truly tell readers about, and not about products of which I know nothing.
My focus has always been to bring important preparedness information on varietal topics which only includes advertising when I personally know something about the product, and then I provide my own perspective and reactions. My purpose has never been to log large numbers of followers, although we do have a fair number of unique users who although they have not signed up to become followers, but who do visit the site, and do participate. We are a reference for reasonable family preparedness information and I do pay attention to issues of frugality here.
I am also unable to allow posts here that have been placed anonymously or by "opaque users", due to issues of liability.
I am also not available to the blogs on a daily basis, and so many comments, will simply not be reviewed or posted in a timely manner.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated understanding and cooperation.
There are always people trying to take advantage.
ReplyDeleteThanks Gorges, Sometimes people just don't take the time to contact me, explain their product and get permission. The price of not taking that time, is that their comment, and their link to an ad, just never appear here.