Saturday, September 30, 2017

An Acoustic Attack in Cuba Causes and Evacuation


Photo:  Ars Technica

          According to the US State Department, in the last few months, 21 State Department Employees stationed in the US Embassy in Cuba, have suffered from headaches, hearing loss, cognitive issues, nausea, vomiting, balance issues, etc.  These have been classified as auditory attacks of some type, although the exact sourcing of such remains obscure. The situation was dire enough that half of our diplomats and embassy employees have been called home, leaving only a skeleton staff present while an investigation into this issue continues. Americans have been advised to leave Cuba and to come home.

                     Why would anyone in Cuba wish to send the US, a source of significant revenue, home? Why would anyone disrupt the new atmosphere of cooperation between Cuba and the US?   Why would such a problem occur close to the time that Cuba plans to retire Raul Castro?

                    Who, other than Russia, has done research on sonic weaponry ?   Who could Russia have sold such weapon to, and why ?

                     Our family once bought a mouse repellent for our rural home that plugged into an electrical outlet. It was said to work by producing a sound that mice did not like, but that humans could not hear. Four days of it left us with migraines, nausea, earaches, and general malaise until we threw it away, and then recovered.  The damage from acoustic weapons is not confined to the ears and has been implicated in cardiovascular disease as well.

                    This is a situation that bears watching.


  1. It's no fun to have a new toy if you can't play with it.

  2. You'd think that whomever is using it could think of a better testing ground that the US Embassy in Cuba. Perhaps the Russians don't wish us to have a working relationship with Cuba. The Canadian Embassy staff will be remaining.

  3. I never expect common sense to be shown by ANY government agency anymore, ours OR theirs.
