Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Peculiar Happenings at an Apparently Unoccupied Prison Facility

            I saw this originally on The Daily Smug.     Take a look.  What do you think ?
Why would apparently plentiful correctional officers to an empty prison be so concerned, and why would they think they could behave this way without repercussions ?    What exactly is this former correctional facility being retained and staffed for ?


  1. Hectic! Now, what on earth are they trying to hide...?

  2. I don't know whether the administration in New York State just fears an expose on tax money being paid to staff maintain an empty prison or whether the staff there is simply trying to justify its own existence in a heavy handed fashion. Of course this raises the possibility that the news crew accidentally fell onto a location where people with Ebola virus would be quarantined, or whether illegal aliens would be housed there. The proximity to our Northern border which is not actually porous, would seem to indicate otherwise.

  3. I'm sure the news team is now hyper inquisitive - wonder if they're going to drop it...?

    1. That would depend upon how much news is being generated in the area. LOL

  4. The corrections officers weren't very nice The reporter said they noticed a movie was being filmed there. Maybe they were trying to keep paparazzi away???

    1. Yes. I wonder what the topic of the movie was, and how it involved the closed prison. However, the corrections officers certainly made an error in harassing the local news crew who really was simply telling the story of Grant's Cottage.

  5. Careful, Jane, they may have a room (cell) with your name on it. :-{

    1. If they do, it's likely to be a military facility in the South, not more than a thousand miles away in Saratoga. Chances are, I would not be alone. LOL

  6. Ps So much for "America the Free"!

    1. The US Constitution has not been followed since this particular administration has been in. There were infractions before that, but now they regard it as a "quaint document".

  7. Replies
    1. It might be a quaint document, but for many years our nation, and our entire way of life flourished by following it. To return to prosperity and fairness perhaps the best course rather than ditching or ignoring the document, is to follow it more closely, as was the original intent.
