Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Earthquakes Are Back


  This evening at around 9:42 pm, a significant earthquake event was felt here.  We immediately thought this was the touchy focus in Louisa which caused the 5.8 in 2011 which destroyed schools and so many homes.  This time it wasn't.  This quake, according to USGS is a 3.2 with an epicenter in Powhatan, Virginia.  Interestingly, I have been seeing USGS trucks out here again recently.

                   This explains why the dogs, horses and alpacas have been skittish and upset for the last several days. I had wondered if another earthquake was coming. Maybe our Siberian husky can get some sleep now.

Info on this quake

UPDATE:    There have been multiple small aftershocks today.  The alpacas have been glum, the horses nervous, and some of the dogs have been unhappy, particularly the highly strung Siberian husky.  In the light of day there appears to be no damage here.


  1. Didn't feel it over here and didn't notice any difference in the animal behavior. You must be near that fault where they can feel the tension and movement that we can't.

    1. Yes, we are a neighboring county to the Louisa quake and in a neighboring county to the Powhatan one. The James River, which we are near, is one big fault region. A serious quake occurred here in the 1880s. The dogs, alpacas, and horses seem quite calm today.

  2. Oi - reminds me of the earth tremors we experienced when we were living in Johannesburg many years ago - not nice...
