Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Post Concerning the Fragility of Our Lives

    Please see my entry from another one of my blogs entitled,

      Tomorrow Might Be Too Late

  Our lives are finite, and quite short.  Try to live each moment, mindful of that, without being obsessed by this thought.

    Best wishes to you all.


  1. Daniel was lucky and got off this planet before he had to start dealing with too much shit. At 70 years of age I spend a hell of a lot of time wondering why in the hell I'm still here, and I'm damn sure not liking getting old, it sucks.

    1. I do understand your view, but I don't think you will ever find any mother who is glad their child left Earth before them.

    2. A bunch of North Koreans can agree with that. If there is anyone else out in the cosmos that wants to see how a god can screw up a planet all they have to do is look at this one.

    3. I am afraid that because man has a lot of free choice, that there is plenty of blame for mankind too.

    4. Of course, but man gave himself free choice, no god would be stupid enough to do that.

    5. I think God gave us free choice. It's much more interesting and more fun to see what choices we might make than have us be robots.

    6. If you can convince yourself that a make believe god gave you free choice and free will you don't have to take the blame yourself. Do you enjoy your insanity? :-)

    7. BBC, In Nursing school we are taught not to disrupt the coping mechanisms of others, particularly when we don't have something better to put in its place.
      Does it make you feel better to tear down the way that anyone copes with the terrible things that happen to them ? Does it make you feel better to be cruel to others ?

  2. Why do you have a Paypal thingy? I get the impression that you live pretty damn well without begging for help from the rest of us.

    1. I live well because I understand the concept of small and inexpensive luxuries. It doesn't take much money to live well. The Paypal button is there for several reasons. Many times, when professionals create blogs with medical, scientific or practical information, they have a Paypal button which helps to subsidize or keep them posting. Blogging can be a lucrative undertaking for some. Sometimes also, if a blogger profiles a review of a particular product, the seller or manufacturer might donate to them as the advertising can be a help. It is a means whereby individuals or companies who would like to support Rational Preparedness may. Ignore it if you wish.

  3. Can I borrow (steal) your ObamaCare thingee right over there------> on the right.

    1. You are welcome to, although it is not mine. I asked permission to borrow it from another's blog. It's origin now is unclear. Best wishes.

  4. I admire your kindness to your readers. (me included) But I am in awe of the pain aimed at your heart by that first comment . To every season, there are changes and pain - as well as joy and acceptance. But to throw a barb into a mother's heart, is inexcusable. I envy your graciousness.

  5. Thank you LJ, They say that when someone is inappropriately cruel that they are angry about something else entirely and that often they direct it to someone other than the source. Let's hope that is true. I don't enjoy banning people from what is a memorial site, but I will, and I have.

  6. I only saw what he said today, the 27th, or I would have not been nice to him. He does this, goes from blog to blog, disrupting the lives of others with inappropriate comments, cruel comments. He drinks a lot. He is or was some sort of preacher. He harassed Michele, too.
