Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Inching Toward Financial Collapse

 I don't know who these people are, but the information they are providing, though largely anecdotal, is also what I am seeing. I think it's important to amass emergency food, medications, batteries and whatever you need to make it through a short term collapse or perhaps one that becomes more long term. Stay calm, but do whatever you can to take care of yourselves and your families.

     To those who say the economy is recovering, someone in my family just bought a piece of land which had an assessment of $70,000. for only $12,500.  It's a nice piece of land in a good place..  Things can't be terrific if this is easily possible.

     As for the political commentary made in the last half of this video, I don't know.  Some of it may be true and other parts may not, so always listen to anything of this type cautiously.  We already know that US news sources are not covering political and economic news well.   International sources cover some things well, and other things in a biased manner.   However, you can believe that if NHK News (Japan), Deutsche Welle (Germany), RT (Russia), BBC (England) France 24 (France), and JN1 (Israel) all report something, then most likely it is true.  It is interesting to see how many times all of them report something about the US, and there is an apparent complete news blackout on  the same subject on US news coverage.


  1. Replies
    1. I wish our Congress and our president would do something to rein in the unbelievable amounts of spending. The problem is they all out their own needs for power ahead of the nations need to be solvent.

  2. I think we are seeing government financed bubbles in stocks, money supply and housing. These bubbles are not like other bubbles where individuals were involved, these are government run bubbles for the rich no matter how much the current administration says they don't like rich people. The government is sucking the wealth out of the country and even borrowing more to keep these bubbles inflated. I believe that what we will see are these bubbles pop or at least deflate with drastic economic problems to follow.

    1. In either event, they can't keep their finger in the hole in the boat forever. Eventually, they will not be able to conpensate and the subsequent decompensation is likely to be very ugly.
