Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Please See: Goodbye Townhome......A Christmas Story


 Sometimes something we thought we saw as an annoyance or a poor choice turns out to be the right thing when looking back.   Sometimes in this life, we come by the right choices accidentally or by happenstance.

       This is the story in my post on one of my other blogs  here:



  1. Jane,

    After a parent passes it's hard to sell their home. You're doing the right thing providing an opportunity for another family to create new memories in a new home. You have this beautiful video your Mom created to cherish a life time. God Bless your Mom, her sister, and Daniel.

    1. Thank you Sandy, That's as beautiful a post as anyone could write, and it's very much appreciated. Sometimes, we have to accept that we carry that person we miss with us every day, and that we don't need their home, or as many of their things with us in this life, as we might, at first think.
      Many blessings sent to you, and to yours, this holiday season.

  2. It snowed about one inch here last night, but it should be gone by this afternoon. Grid been down for a while? Out of candles? You can make one with a piece of cotton string or cloth and some petroleum jelly. It’s best to make a floating wick or it may fall over.

  3. When the kids were young I didn't use candles because they were a hazard, Now they are older and probably more responsible with candles than I am, it once again becomes possible. Thanks for your post.

    1. When my children was young, I only put a candle in the sink and in the bathtub. To this day, that is the only place any of them use a candle. We do not decorate, use them for mood, nothing. Right now and for the last 30 years, I have kept a piece of a candle or a votive candle in a dish on the kitchen window sill along with a book of matches or a small box of matches. That is right at hand to light and put in the sink. I can see enough to get into another room to get more light--candles or flashlight.

    2. Linda,
      Over the last year and a half THREE PEOPLE we know has their homes burn to the ground. One had electrical causes (mouse chewed through electrical wiring in freezer, shorted and caused fire), another was a wildfire, and the last one a cooking accident. We are all incredibly vulnerable to fire.
      My daughter occasionally uses candles, but I never do. I do have them for absolute emergencies, but I agree. Especially if you have kids, cats or pets, they can knock over a candle in a heartbeat unintentionally. Thanks for posting.
