Wednesday, December 25, 2013

An Exercise in Gratefulness

I have very fond memories of being in Russia at this time of year.    In fact, when I was there, the weather in both Vladivostok, and in Moscow, was worse !      Please watch this video, and be grateful that wherever you are, the weather is likely not quite this bad.          Best wishes and Merry Christmas !


  1. My goodness...that is bad as hurricane force winds we have here.

    Christmas Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Merry Christmas, Mamma Bear to you and yours. In Russia, the wind and cold was so bad that tears would freeze half way down our cheeks !

  2. As is often the case, the wind can be worse than the temperature. May you have a windless and joyous Christmas Day!

    1. Merry Christmas, Gorges ! May you have the same ! Thus far, it is cold but still here. No wind, and thankfully no rain or snow.

  3. BRRRR. We're staying inside where it's cozy and dry today. Even Barkley has shown little interest in playing in the little bit of new snow there was.

    Have a safe and happy Holiday my friend.

    1. You too, Brigid. I just finished feeding, watering and tucking in the horses, and the dogs. They are content to get inside their homes and sleep a little early. I know Barkley had a wonderful Christmas. Best Christmas wishes to you and yours.

  4. grrr, once again, I cannot see even a place where a video would be. That gripes me!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Linda,
      You may be using a program which does not allow all the functions of Blogger to work properly. You may be able to see this video by entering this into your browser :
      If this works, anytime you can't see a video on Rational Preparedness, let me know, and I will provide the link.

  5. Replies
    1. Sandy, May this be a memorable, safe and happy Christmas for you, and your family.
      Best wishes,

  6. I was a dumb kid out of northern Idaho when I joined the Navy, thinking I would be going off to see the world. Pfft..... Never got on a ship and never got out of the states.

    Pretty decent day here, not raining or snowing and 46 degrees.

    1. You know, there are many times when travel is simply overrated. I don't think I will ever again venture outside the US or Canada. Glad the weather is good where you are.

    2. I would like to visit New Zealand and Australia but it's not going to happen. Since my youth I'd done 49 states and a lot of Canada, that will have to do. Time to go to a white elephant gift exchange, I enjoy them.

    3. I think a white elephant exchange sounds like a lot of fun. Having visited just about all of the states and a lot of Canada, you are better traveled than a lot of people. I have seen Iceland from the air going back and forth from England. I would like to go to Iceland, however I don't speak the language, and I don't do tours.
