Friday, November 29, 2013

News in the Brandon Raub Unlawful Involuntary Commitment Case


     Brandon Raub, the Chesterfield, Virginia marine, who was detained and committed to a psychiatric facility for 30 days simply because he said negative things on his Facebook account concerning the present regime, brought suit against a number of defendants in a federal lawsuit in tandem with  the Rutherford Institute.   Raub was held against his will, in a facility away from his family and his lawyer, until another judge released him stating that there had never been enough evidence to detain Mr. Raub.  This case brought to the fore evidence that the present federal administration monitors the internet activities of its former soldiers, even if the Facebook or other account is open only to the user's friends. Soldiers who have spent multiple tours of duty have often been disillusioned by the government who made decisions which seemed bizarre to them. This was true in Korea, Vietnam, and anywhere since. In the past, the FBI didn't make a habit of coming to see anyone who expressed disapproval.

                 Initially, the suit brought by Raub and the Rutherford Institute named a number of defendants.  A judge hearing the case this week narrowed the number of defendants to only one. This means that most of the players in the Raub case will escape punishment, as they will never even be tried.
                 This is a landmark case for many reasons.  One, it's about free speech. Secondly, it concerns the present  regime's collection of our political views. It also concerns the use of federal agencies to monitor our soldiers, and particularly our marines.  It also tests our involuntary commitment laws and how flimsy a basis could be used for involuntary commitment. This case also demonstrates how federal agencies in tandem with local authorities can overstep their authority and make someone "disappear".  It also speaks to an evolving picture of a lack of accountability for federal and local law enforcement.  Lastly, if only one defendant will be tried in this case, it speaks to a system in which individuals who have been wronged have no recourse against a power hungry and aggressive regime. The case is also about intimidation, and a message to keep quiet, most especially if Mr. Raub is an articulate man who is likely to influence fellow marines, and other Americans.

                 The assertion that "Mr. Raub said negative things" and needed to be locked up was absurd especially when it was found on searching his home, that he didn't own even one handgun or firearm.
                  Please watch this case carefully.  If this case passes into obscurity without jobs lost on a federal level or without a change in the way the federal government operates, in similar cases, then there is no longer justice in the United States.  Tyranny would be broadly ensconced and here for the next fifty to one hundred years.

More information at:

These are my prior posts on this case, this topic and related issues:

This link should provide news updates in this case:


  1. Replies
    1. I will continue to provide updates on this case as information on it becomes available.

  2. Replies
    1. It certainly is. Until this case, the American public did not know that the internet use and patterns specifically of soldiers are monitored by the FBI and are acted upon in real time. On a slow week would the FBI come to see someone who posted a less than flattering cartoon of Mr. Obama ? Thanks for your post.


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    1. I normally remove posts which exist to advertise on this blog, as spam. However, I have left the two which follow as there may be some redeeming information for our readers.

  4. This may be a venue where any reader can disseminate information they have seen, especially since particularly US mainstream media is no longer covering information which causes American freedoms to diminish or to disappear.

  5. Unfortunately, for better or worse, when you enlist in the military you give up a number of rights, and that includes the right to publicly criticize your elected commander-in-chief (the President), even if he is an incompetent ass. Yet military discipline exists to deal with infractions such as those, and should be dealt with as a private military affair with a single soldier. The FBI should have nothing to do with it. Turning it into a public spectacle and beatdown, and having him psychiatrically committed, illustrates just how far a tyrannical government will go to shut down any voice of dissent.

    And another lesson here, which I recently made a blogpost out of, is to be careful what you post on Facebook. You never know who's reading, or who you might offend. Especially if you're prohibited from publicly saying so in the first place (like members of the military).

    1. David, Thank you for your wise words. All very true.

  6. Can you still say you live in a free country now?

    1. No. Please read my posts over the last several years. The Patriot Act took a number of our freedoms and then Mr. Obama continued to erode them using Executive Orders. The Constitution is now routinely side-stepped as a quaint yet archaic document.

  7. Replies
    1. Just the way the present regime likes its subjects !

  8. I know how to hide from the system. :-)

    1. What ? Who said that ? Did you hear someone whisper ?

  9. When I went to Montana in August to meet some blog friends for two days of camping and fishing in the Big Hole basin I took two new u joints with me just in case I needed them.
