Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Unaffordable Care Act

Not to worry. Mr. Obama, his family, Congress, the House of Representatives, and their staff are all exempted from this train wreck. It only applies to the people who elected them.  Talk about "Pull up the ladder, Jack. I'm alright !"

        I have deliberately said very little of a political nature in the past couple of weeks, particularly as it concerns "The Unaffordable Care Act".   The fact that it was named "The Affordable Care Act" in the first place, is a clear indication that it isn't. It's not going to be affordable for anyone, certainly not the people who sign on, and certainly not for the government long term, even when they do start rationing care and not providing ordinary life saving care to those over fifty.
                I would like to tell you a couple of true stories from my own life.  My dear aunt lived all of her life in England.  She lived through World War II and her family did absolutely everything they were asked in terms of volunteerism there.  They embraced National Health when it came in.  My mother was a huge proponent of Britain's National Health Service.  My aunt's hypothyroidism was poorly managed through most of her life there. Although she was slim, her work as an actress was intermittently impeded by hypothyroidism and difficulty not only with stamina for roles but also intermittently in terms of learning lines. In her later years she developed a condition in which a stent needed to be placed within a vessel in order to keep a particular channel open  In the US, this procedure would have been scheduled immediately because damage from backflow can be dangerous to a variety of organs and can result in loss of life.  My own physician would have arranged this procedure for her within 24 hours, and offered to take my aunt as a patient who would self pay..  However, my aunt was already ill, and was not feeling well enough to travel out of England via Heathrow to Dulles Airport and all the work in between.  She had confidence that NHS would schedule her for the procedure because largely the propaganda of NHS said she would.  The procedure was scheduled for two weeks later. Then it was rescheduled, as critically ill people were placed ahead of her. Then, a power outage at the hospital delayed the procedure even furthur.  By the time it was done, there was liver damage and she was unnecessarily critically ill.   She died shortly after spending twelve hours on her kitchen floor waiting for an ambulance.  The NHS System my maternal family believed in betrayed them. The care was given away to so many, that it was not there when they needed it.  One of the last things my aunt told me before she died was that NHS had been unable to allocate money for hospital cleaning, and that the hospital had been filthy.   My aunt died shortly after.  Her surgeon admitted that had her condition permitted her  to fly to the US before the surgery, she would have lived an additional two years. "But that is not the system we have", he told me.
             I spend as much time as I can in Canada.  Some areas in Canada have fairly good medical care especially for those who have minimal primary care needs. However, if you need an ilesotomy for Crohn's Disease, or an unusual cancer treatment, or Lyme Disease treatment in Nova Scotia, you too are likely to die before it can be scheduled or received. (These are all cases of which I have first hand knowledge.)
            Nationalized Health does not work in the long term. It requires physicians and nurses to work for much less money or to give voluntary care. This results in the best and the brightest going to other professions.  The only places in which a Nationalized Health Plan works for any length of time is with small populations of similar people who are overall, healthy anyway.
            The rushed, largely unread mandatory Obamacare Plan which is circling the United States, and will likely destroy it, is not going to result in improved access to health care for Americans. The plan is not about health care. It is about control. We can't have some people receiving top care and others having difficulty accessing health care.  So, we are trashing the entire system in order to permit the present regime a large measure of control of the people and of mechanisms which will control the people.  How reasonable is it to collect very large sums for health insurance from healthy young people, in order to give substandard care to older people ?   How reasonable is it to pay thousands of additional dollars for health insurance, for much less care for everyone ?
           Whatever action in Congress and the Senate which is needed to stop Obamacare in its tracks is necessary.  It's almost as if this is a plan designed to bankrupt the country, collapse its systems, and leave it vulnerable to fascism.  Now that The House of Representatives realizes that the American people don't want Obamacare, they are willing to try to defund it along with in tandem with slowing Mr. Obama's spending. Mr. Obama has not brought a single annual budget to approval even within his own party, in all the years he has been president.  The Republican party is now willing to fund essential services without Obamacare, but Mr. Obama is keeping everything closed, because he will not negotiate.  Funny that he will meet with the Muslim Brotherhood for talks but not with members of our own Congress in order to craft a compromise.

          Please read this link:

    I ask you.   Is anyone here the least bit surprised ?    


  1. i am sure of one thing. if a political opponent has, for example, diabetes suddenly insulin will be unavailable where he can access it. no matter that hundreds of others die or sustain damage due to the 'unavoidable shortage'.
    it is for control beyond anything we have seen before in this country, at least in my lifetime.
    deb harvey

    1. I agree, Deborah. I think we should stock what we can. We certainly are seeing an inexplicable shortage in ammunition which is occurring over a relatively long period of time. Next time, it could be insulin, Benadryl, aspirin, peroxide or many other things. This is the type of regime that will stockpile items because they want you to be beholden to them !

  2. Well two things really stand out at me. If you have assets, land or a good paying job you are screwed. The costs are downright ruinous. However if you happen to make so little that you get earned income or have a number of children in that bracket they offer to take your premium out of your refund check.

    This is wealth redistribution without question and I believe the final nail in the coffin. To go along with this scheme will be the end of the middle class. The very rich can survive it and the very poor are not going to pay out of pocket but the middle class is screwed.

    1. I suppose I will be middle class until I am poor, just like the rest of the middle class.

  3. Ruin this country or is it his attempt at socialism?
    Either way hang on to what you have while you can.

    1. I am not sure as to how this will resolve without a financial collapse. Was this the intention ? Thanks for posting, Sandy.

  4. I just got a part time job and was told that it would have been full time had it not been for obamacare. So I have to pay for higher price insurance on my own and do it with part time wages. I hear people saying how obamacare is helping people but they never say who they are.

    1. I hope the job works out well for you. I do understand. I don't know a single person that Obamacare is going to help. I wish I did. Thanks for posting.

  5. Boy I have been seriously afraid to comment or post about the healthcare launch. Afraid is not the exact word, but I am concerned. My family does not have health insurance. We cannot afford the 356.00 every two weeks to have health insurance. We have a few luxuries that we know we can cut...but not 712.00 a month. We have the internet, cell phone that we share with our adult sons, electricity, auto insurance for two used used vehicles and groceries. We are very frugal on our groceries. We eat out once a month-if that. We have no satellite, cable or what not.

    We have had a few medical needs over the past seven years. Our second son dislocated his shoulder. We made two payments for the doctors visit and heeded his advice on exercise and stretches he should do. Same son was at a youth meeting at church and sliced his hand on a metal church chair. Although the church offered to pay, it was an accident, and we paid. It took four months.

    Otherwise, we live a life conscience of our health. We try and eat organic-as we grow a good deal of food, and we exercise lots~farm life:). My husband is covered for a back injury he had while on duty accident but otherwise we progress to our 50s knowing we will be forced to pay for an inadequate care that will not cover our needs, all the while forcing us to cut something we don't have. I am ashamed to share we do not have care. I cannot ever imagine asking for others to pay for us.

    I am not sure my attitude is one of pride as much as it is responsibility. We are Americans. We have the right to pursue happiness. I have worked very hard to have a happy, healthy, safe, loving, God fearing home. I expect the government to allow me this opportunity. By forcing my hand~I wonder how 2014, 2015 and beyond will be for my husband and I? Healthcare cost rise because of many reasons, but a main one is the serious concern of an open border and free coverage for all.

    I no longer know what to do, what is right, or even if I should post this.

    Sigh. I am a statistic that the government moans about...yet, they haven't resolved anything.

    Here is my story


    1. Jennifer, You are not alone. You have expressed the concerns of many people. I will read your blog. Thanks for posting.

    2. I'm in your same boat. I have not been insured for over eight years. When I add up the savings it's an amazing amount of money I would have just thrown away. Appox. $36,000. The few times I need a doctor, I go, I pay and usually I don't get the care I think I should have had. So I am very careful with my body. I try to not hurt myself or if I do. I first try to take care of it at home and last resort go to the doctor. Being forced to pay for health care or pay a fine if you don't while the job stealing, non English speaking, reproducing like crazy illegals get free health care from our fabulous government really chaps my hide!!!! I pray someone stops this lunatic and soon!!!!!

  6. Shouldn't a government shutdown include shutting down the salaries for Mr. Obama, Congress, the House of Representatives, and their staff?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I will attempt my response to Lotta Joy's post again:

      That would certainly work for me, but then, I think you know that already !
      (Note: Lotta Joy is the author of the successful novel "Treadwell". It really is riveting and you can get a copy on Amazon pretty quickly.)

  7. I listened to a syrupy-voiced person explaining how health care would be managed by a committee that would make sure I got what was best. I was so angry. I despise paternalism in any form. My doctor and I know what I need. I don't need a committee or panel going over my case and making decisions.

    1. Yes. I am with you. I happen to believe that Americans in almost all cases can make great treatment decisions in tandem with their own personal physicians. For the few who cannot, family members can be enlisted in the decision-making process and this is one of the things we have guardianship for ! A committee will put allocation of health care first and patients second. In Britain's NHS, patients are allowed dialysis for five years, and then they are no longer scheduled, "so that new people can use the dialysis machines". The state sanctions the passing of those with kidney failure after five years. In the US, prior to Obamacare, these were decisions we made in tandem with our families and our physicians.

  8. The day we were leaving to see my ill sister, I was notified via the postal service that my oncologist, and ALL Cancer Centers of Florida will NO LONGER BE COVERED BY MY INSURANCE.

    Quite odd timing, isn't it.

    1. It's odd and unfortunate too. You have enough travel stress without having to contemplate that during the entire trip ! Travel safely !

  9. Wanna buy some .22 shells? I have about 3000 rounds of them.

    1. Hold on to them ! You might be using them to hunt and eat squirrels and other small animals.
