Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Third Interview on Destiny Survival Radio

(Yes, I think they altered my picture with a head tilt.  It's magical what can be done with a computer !  LOL)

               Whether you have a spouse or partner of childbearing age or not, managing a pregnant woman or an impending delivery during a disaster or an emergency is a possibility for anyone who seeks to be prepared.    In my third radio interview on Destiny Survival with John Wesley Smith we discuss the sensitive topics of preparation for birth control in advance of a disaster. We also discuss the management of pregnant women during disasters.  We discussed at length the emergency delivery of a baby in a "birthing in place" scenario.

                 John Wesley Smith is an excellent interviewer.  This should be an interesting hour.

  The link to this interview can be found at:

These are older links I am told might not work now.


A summary and additional information will be found, following the air date of this episode at:

or page specific:


  1. I was never interested in looking at one of those things when I was in heat so I can sure do without looking at one during delivery. :-)

    1. To each his own, but if someone you love, a wife, a sister, a daughter or a friend is having a baby in a home situation during an emergency which isolates the family, it would be good to have a primer on the basics for an ostensibly normal delivery.

  2. I know, I've had that training, if nothing goes wrong, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the view. :-)

  3. I don't think that anyone enjoys the prospect or the process of an emergency home birth. In a true disaster or general emergency where transport to a hospital for mother and baby is not immediately possible, The College of Nurse Midwives has issued some updated procedures and guidelines. These guidelines and changes in some procedures, and the references for such are the crux of this particular interview.
