Saturday, August 24, 2013

While Time Quickly Passes By


  I remember clearly the day when Karen Carpenter died.  I was sad in 2007 when Dan Fogelberg passed at 56 of prostate cancer.   Voices of tunes that help us to set the backdrop for our lives were gone.  There would be no more music from them.
                  Now, Linda Ronstadt, 67, has announced that there will be no more music from her.  Ronstadt, has suffered for a number of years from Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid condition.  However, in a percentage of patients with Hashimoto's, autoimmune processes move on, and some of them develop other disorders in addition. Linda announced in an interview with AARP that she has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and that as a result of this, is no longer able to "carry even one note".  She has had some unusual symptoms as early as eight years ago, but has attributed these to a tick borne illness for which she had been treated.
                  Ronstadt, who sang a song called "I Never Will Marry",  never did.  She adopted daughter Mary, and son Carlos as infants.  In later years she did a lot of charity work and has donated a lot of money to many charities close to her heart, but she does so quietly. She also has worked training other singers in a community college setting.
                  I realize that Linda will not be releasing a new album or touring again.  Oddly, before this news broke, I had been listening to her broad range of work which spans multiple genres. She not only has a remarkable voice, but incredible range and versatility, and she did not shun working hard to expand upon that range.  It is my hope for Linda, that her particular case of Parkinson's is controlled by a treatment which is presently available to us, and that she reaches a disease plateau. I also hope that control of her voice is returned to her, at least sufficiently that she may use her voice at home, with her family and with friends.
Best of luck, Linda.   Thank you for all the music.

This is one of my favorites: Blue Train Linda Ronstadt~~~ Vocal Harmony: Emmy Lou Harris


  1. Jane,

    There are so many talented singers dealing with medical problems. It's such a shame.
    We can only hope she has a chance to sing with her family in the future.

    1. Lots of research is being done. At least she can likely afford some of the latest treatments. I hope even better treatments for Parkinson's Disease are found.

  2. I always liked her music; it's a shame what life does to us.

    1. It is. Just when you think you can coast, there is a new challenge.

  3. I was telling Joe several nights ago, that if I had seen a photo of my present self, when I was 17...or if I had been told of the physical carnage I'd be subjected to through my life, what would I have done.

    I DO know I would have screamed and tried to run away, but at least we HAD our youth - which is denied to many like your Daniel.

    1. I miss Daniel very much, but I am glad he was spared some of the things I believe are to come.
      I have never feared death, but I door fear the things that may happen before I do.

  4. Blue Bayou and You're No Good - two of my favorites and amongst the best of her mid-70's music. One of the great singing voices of that time period. Unfortunately her left-leaning political views - like way too many celebrities - got her in some hot water in her later years. Yet I choose to remember her not her political leanings, but for her music and that fantastic voice. Sorry to hear that she can now only listen to it as a memory of what she once had.

    1. Yes, she not only dated Jerry Brown, but she holds very liberal views. She was a vocal opponent of President GW Bush, and concert goers were not pleased. Still, like you, I don't expect my conservative views to be reflected by celebrities. I admire the work of Matt Damon, for example, but don't agree with his politics. I will still remember Ronstadt as an unusual and versatile talent, a courageous woman, and a generous one who has given money and time to many family oriented charities.

  5. I remember a Spanish album she did back in the early eighties. I only heard it once or twice back then but never have forgotten about it.

    1. Yes, she showed tremendous versatility, doing Spanish albums, a big band record, and also performed in the "Pirates of Penzance", an operatic role.
