Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Legally Obtained Guns Being Confiscated in California


   I was born in California, but my native state has always done some strange things, this one being the latest. This is important because California's actions often herald the actions or the issues in other parts of our nation.  Thus far, California has confiscated ten thousand guns which were legal and registered when they were acquired.  I do understand confiscating of firearms for those who have been convicted of domestic violence, convicted of a robbery or violent crime, or have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness which results in a severe separation from reality.   The problem is that's not what California is doing.  Gov. Jerry Brown appropriated 24 million dollars to fund gun confiscation for not only new convicts but for others as well. (I think I liked him better when is claim to fame was having dated Linda Ronstadt.)  California passed a law which, in the wake of their near bankruptcy, allows them to collect the weapons from those who owe them state taxes, toll money, and for any type of mental health support (even those who come for bereavement services.)

           The problem is once the weapon has been confiscated, there is a $250. per item appeal fee, and I have not yet located anyone who has won such an appeal.  One of my contacts in another venue is friendly with a man whose relative has collected California legal weapons all of his life.  At 70, they have been confiscated. He could even begin to pay such a fee for an item by item appeal.

           This is how it starts.  First we take the guns away from the criminals.  Then from the relatives of criminals, just in case. Then we register the guns so we know where all of them are.  Then we limit the sizes of the magazines.  Then we pull all the weapons from anyone who is a postal worker.  Then the government buys up all the ammo, so only they have it. Then, we pull the weapons from anyone who has ever seen anyone from a psychiatrist to a licensed professional social worker for anything from work stress to bereavement.  Then, we pull the weapons of anyone who is late on property taxes, personal property taxes, child support, or the registration for a garaged car, etc.   Then, we pull the weapons of anyone overweight because they are showing bad judgement about what they eat, and that could extend to firearms. Then we pull the weapons from anyone who has ever joined what the government may consider "a militant organization", such as the NRA or the "Tea Party".  It won't take long before all the legally acquired weapons in California are gone.  Then, no one will be able to defend themselves against the criminals, the organized crime variety, the petty neighborhood variety, the state sanctioned kind either, or any invading force coming from the Far East.  California is disregarding the US Constitution and our Second Amendment rights.

          All I can do is vote with my money. I will not do business with anything California based because of it's hyperregulatory stance on everything from weapons to Berkey water filters.  I would urge you to consider the same.  Be vigilant in your own states for such proposals.

References for this post:


  1. The government may one day have more problems than it can handle from all of the criminals it is creating. The more laws and executive orders without representation the more lawbreakers.

  2. Been discussing such on my blog, the only reason we are free is because of guns. I'm not saying it's right, just that it's the way it is. I'm not very good with my black powder guns yet but maybe I'll get better, .50 caliber guns are mean bastards.

  3. Mountain man rendezvous here this weekend, they are fun.

  4. Jane,

    That is one reason why we don't reside in California (same goes for NY). It's a beautiful state but who wants the government taking away their rights or telling them what to do? We all need to be vigilant, and stand up for our rights. God Bless The United States!!

    1. Most of my family left California because a great deal of it is too expensive. Others left because it has an intrusive government.

  5. Well, that explains the phone call from my sister better than she did. The ammo for her Beretta is no longer being sold, so she was going to a gun store to buy a .38 revolver.

    1. I have a relative with a 9mm Beretta. We can still get this, but Wal-Mart has been out of most everything in terms of ammo for MONTHS. aBOUT ALL wAL-mART HAD WAS 7mm. Who has a 7 mm?

    2. She uses weird ammo, and even I wasn't clear on exactly what she was looking for. When she got back from her gun search, she didn't get the revolver because it had no laser sites...but the man DID have her ammo in back of the store. 7mm? Really? Does it go in a slingshot? lol

    3. She should get the ammo for the weapon for which she is comfortable AND get a backup weapon with easily obtained ammo.
      I don't know anyone who uses 7mm. I suppose it has its uses.

  6. The Walmart here hasn't had much of any kind of ammo for about a year, other than 270's and I don't know anyone that has them. I haven't been able to buy more .22's for some time but did find two boxes of 30-30's in Monroe.

    1. I can get almost any ammunition at two gun shops in Richmond,except 22s, but of course, they are much more expensive than they were a year or two ago.

    2. Is $35 doe 330 .22s expensive or cheap?

    3. It's more than I would pay. I don't use 22s except for occasional practice or training, but I can usually get Winchester brand 22s 55 grain pointed soft point (which does more damage than a simple 22, thus compensating for the low caliber)one hundred of them for sixteen dollars, however, they are presently out of stock. I would pay twenty-five to get a hundred of them if I needed them. Midway is a good source.

  7. I like .22's, you can do a lot of damage with them and they are cheap to keep in practice with. Or was, a few years ago you could get a brick of 500 for fifteen bucks, now I don't know what a brick of 500 would cost cuz I can't find one on the shelves.

    1. Yes 22s are easy to carry and great to train and practice with. One instructor of mine told me that 22s are frequently fatal when used defensively because they enter the abdomen, bounce around and do a great deal of damage. The person dies of infection a week or two down the road. I prefer a 40 s&w caliber because if ever I need to defend my life or the life of others in my family, I need the opponent to be vanquished immediately before they sink a knife into me or a family member.

  8. I read a while back that .22's have killed more people than any other caliber. Don't know if that is true or not but I know that if I put six or seven .22 slugs in a person from my Ruger semi automatic they are going to look like hamburger. And pretty much be dead.

    Rule one, don't pull the trigger just once and see what happens, keep shooting.

    Judge: "Lady, why did you shoot him six times?"
    Lady: "Because, your honor, when I pulled the trigger the seventh time the gun just went click."

    1. When properly placed, two taps from my 40, and they are down. I have trained for scenarios in which my kids are in fairly close proximity within the house. We also train for scenarios where animals are attacking mine. For this, I use a 9mm and sometimes less.

  9. Never....


    Pull the trigger just one time and see how things work out for you.

    Did they teach you that in a self defense class?

    1. I have had several series of private lessons. The double-tap is one of the first concepts taught, including all the reasons for such. We even practice that way.
