Monday, July 29, 2013

My Second Interview With John Wesley Smith: On August 1, 2013

                   My second interview with John Wesley Smith on Destiny Survival will air on

                                                                 August 1, 2013.

***    This link will continue to access the archive of this episode, even after the program airs.

                  We talked for an hour about a number of issues I touch upon in the Rational Preparedness book, including dental emergencies,  the planning of evacuation of animals from rural homes and farmsteads, and we touched upon living through emergencies and grief.   I talked about the mindset necessary to survive the loss of a family member and still function well enough to safe your remaining family members and yourself.  This is important because during real emergencies, there may not be time to grieve at that moment.
                  My friend Jim Cobb, the author of Preppers Home Defense has said that he has enjoyed being interviewed by John Wesley Smith, and that he is one of the best.  I certainly second that. John has a calm and relaxed style, yet he remembers what you say, and listens well enough to ask really good questions.


             This page of John Wesley Smith's blog discusses this visit:


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I had never heard of this until a couple of years ago when a friend of ours serving in the military brought it back from one of his tours in the Gulf. Nasty disease ! Thanks for posting it.
