Monday, July 1, 2013

Important Warning

 This is an important post from a friend named Michael.   He gave me permission to share it with all of you. It could be important to some of you.


 Got hit with the DOJ virus last night. All of a sudden, a full screen page came up, very official looking, saying that the Department of Justice had determined that I had violated a number of laws, and that my computer was locked until I paid a $300 fine, using moneypak. It had an entry box to enter the code off of the card, and said my computer would be unlocked when I paid.It went on to say that I had 48 hours to pay or I would face criminal prosecution. After a couple of minutes of consternation, I started getting suspicious, and started reading what I was supposed to have done. Then I became really suspicious, since I hadn't done any of them.

  I called the Department of Justice, and had a nice conversation with the person that answered, who confirmed my suspicion that it was indeed an attempt at extortion through a virus. He said they are getting hundreds of calls every day about it, many from people who had paid, and were calling to find out why their computers weren't unlocked.

> > >

> > >  I don't know where I picked it up, a little research shows it to be widespread, and many sites seem to be infected. It uses pages appearing to be from Law Enforcement from all around the world.

> > >

> > > When I went to try to remove it, my computer wouldn't boot into safe mode, so I got on the wife's and did a little research. I found and followed this, from Yahoo answers:

> > >

> > > "If your Safe Mode options are disabled...

> > >

> > > This procedure should remove any type of ransomware, but for future

> > > reference be aware that the West Yorkshire Police variant encrypts some

> > > files. That requires a different approach, which involves removal and

> > > decryption.

> > >

> > > Try this:

> > >

> > > Use a working computer to download the trial version of HitmanPro. You

> > > then run the program, but instead of using it to scan, you use the

> > > Kickstart feature to burn HitmanPro to a flash drive. You then boot your

> > >  infected computer to the flash drive and scan.

> > >

> > > This link takes you to the HitmanPro download:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > This video shows the creation and use of the Kickstart flash drive:

> > >

> > >�

> > >

> > > Hope this helps"

> > >

> > > Link:

> > >

> > > Works great. I now have it on a thumb drive, in case I need it again.

> > >

> > > Mike B.


  1. Hum, I have two paid for security programs, cuz they are better than the free ones so I don't think something like that can get to me, but who knows.

    1. I haven't seen this one yet......but there is always tomorrow !
