Monday, June 24, 2013

Snowden for Congress ?


  I am deeply saddened by the Obama Administration, or the regime, if you listen to most of the people I know.  Most of all, I dislike them for how they have changed me.   I am law abiding to a fault.  Since childhood I have always done the right thing.  I tithe 10% and then I give a percentage of time to whatever the cause.  I have never had as much as a parking ticket.   I respect authority and have helped police sometimes when it actually endangered me.    However, somewhere between the multitude of Executive Orders designed to circumvent Congress, the encouragement of quantittative easing, continued bank bail-outs, the Solyndra mess,  Fast and Furious, Bengazi,  the pushing through of Obamacare which cannot possibly be Constitutional,  the NSA monitoring of America, the use of drones to monitor the domestic US, and the failure to control federal spending, and the IRS scandal, I lost my way.     The regime now intends to give citizenship to illegals, and will find some way to dodge a permanent fence on the US Southern border. They also are working to take guns away from Americans, Constitution be damned !
            When Edward Snowden, a thirty year old who probably doesn't even recollect the wonderful country I grew up in, tossed his livelihood, his family, his reputation, his freedom and quite possibly his life,  to speak out and tell the rest of mainstream America, what those of us paying attention, already knew, then I couldn't see him as a traitor.  No matter how many times the spineless members of Congress, and Jay Carney call him a traitor to the United States, most of us just don't see it.  If he were a traitor to America, then he would certainly have a lot of company.   Congress has failed to rein in an administration that routinely ignores the Constitution, as if it is a quaint historic document.  Many of them have folded like lawn chairs when pressured by the Obama regime.  And why not ?  The regime likely monitors all their phone calls and e-mails.  They probably know a lot of dirt.
             Edward Snowden is not a traitor.  A traitor sells secrets of his country for profit of some kind.  Snowden lost everything trying to bring evidence of a police state to the American people.  The regime has said that Snowden has committed espionage by bringing information  enemies of the United States.  He brought KNOWN information to the American people.   So, are the American people an enemy of the present regime ?    I can't say I would ever be so courageous.  I hope that Snowden finds a country that will give him asylum and that when this regime is out and gone, that Snowden can come back as a member of Congress !   That is, if the United States survives all the changes the Obama Regime has implemented.


  1. I think a lot of us feel that way, Jane. I fear the world we once knew is forever gone.

    1. We used to be a nation of laws. It used to be that they were easy to follow because our government was most often on the side of right. This has palpably changed. Thanks for your comment, Gorges.

  2. well said Ms Jane. well said.

    1. Thank you Mr. Mohave Rat. I am frustrated. Edward Snowden seemed motivated by conscience. It's a shame more of our government isn't.

  3. " I am law abiding to a fault."

    I guess that is one of your faults.

    1. I always believed that following the laws as written, ALL of them, not just those in cafeteria style, was important. Now, I am seeing that sometimes the laws are wrong. The present administration does not care about repealing laws that are incorrect. It cares about control. This makes life harder for those of us who believed in following the law to a tee.

  4. Jane, I enjoy your comments ( and courage). From up here it is starting to sound very scary. Make sure you watch your backside. Good bloggers are hard to find.

    1. Yes, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave Indeed ! Thanks for your concern. I still have several people in Canada who would sponsor me. My comments are tame compared to a lot of bloggers now. Thanks for your post.

  5. We're taking Canada down with us, you may as well stay put.

  6. This may be true. The neighbors and caretakers of my Canadian house think not, but who is to say ?

  7. Ask the Native Americans about the government and laws, when not a member of "those who think the right way", things can go wrong real fast and there is no where to turn for a solution. It is amazing at how so many people don't see anything wrong with the direction of thing.

    1. Both the Native Americans and the African Americans who worked the Virginia Plantations are suspicious of "white man laws". In fact, where I live, when someone in an African American family dies and has land, their family often does not probate the property and change the name on the property because they fear the "white man laws" and potential inheritance taxes. The result is lots of land which cannot legally be timbered or sold. An effort needs to be made to make laws which are clear, reasonably fair, and in line with the Constitution.
      You're right, so many people who don't read anything don't really know what's going on.
