Tuesday, June 4, 2013

As We Roll Toward Being a Banana Republic...

This is Rep. Bridenstine's assessment of the Obama Regime with regard to the present state of American affairs.

       I would add to this, a blatant disregard of basic economics and a spending of money for lobster, travel, vacations, and things like a fully equipped television studio in a Maryland branch of the Internal Revenue Service.  I would also add a bevy of Executive Orders created in an attempt to sidestep Congress.  We have also not yet heard about all of the people who oppose the President and who have been audited by the IRS in an unusual and exceptionally aggressive fashion.  I would also add the misadventure of Obamacare.  Tell me again, how is it legal to force any American to buy any product for any purpose, let alone insurance ?

      So tell me, if Barack Hussein Obama and Joseph Biden are removed through due process, who is next ?
Could Democrats and Republicans ever work together long enough to do such a thing, even for the good of the United States of America ?

       Tell me, which place do you think would be nicer to live, Costa Rica, Belize, or Uruguay ?


  1. I would rather dig tunnels like the Viet Cong and fight them if it comes to that.

    1. I just hope that most Americans wake up to see that the Constitution is being violated and diluted. I have friends who are Democrats, friends who are Republicans, and some who are Libertarians. This isn't about party politics, but about Liberty. I hope that American media and the American public wakes up before Mr. Obama is a president for life and the IRS becomes the Gestapo.

  2. You mean we can't live forever in Never-Never Land?

    1. I think our politicians have overstayed their trip to Never-Never land. I think we should only accept cash from them !

  3. Our veterinarian is seriously considering relocating to Costa Rica. I hope she doesn't but I will understand if she does. It's just that me and all my critters can't follow her.

    1. I would tell her to stay and fight for the US. Costa Rica is indeed a vacation paradise. However, it's national health has a glut of doctors and nurses who wait for the state to fund their positions. Until they do, these physicians and nurses work free doing "community health" for a year at a time hoping to be picked up when someone retires, as a paid worker. A veterinarian could easily find that they are required to give the state a year of free service before setting up a business and charging themselves. In addition, although the staffing at their "Class A" hospitals is good, they do not have electrophysiology (treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, board certified cardiologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, or those who can treat with TPA and limit strokes. It's FRIENDLY medical care, not exactly world class no matter what realtors tell you. In addition, although the real estate was cheap there, with 50,000 US expatriates living there now, this may not be the case. An American styled home with engineered foundation is pricier than my section of Virginia.

    2. I did not ask her if she would still practice or simply retire. We have contributed greatly to her retirement account over the years....bahahaha

      The next time I see her I will tell her if she plans on going and if she has a heart attack or stroke she is *S* out of luck!

    3. I certainly get that. Although I am often happier with our small animal vet, the farm vet, and the equine vets than I am with many of the medical specialists ! I think it's a shame to see bright people leaving the US for their retirement. Too many people are quite serious about leaving this country.

  4. When my medical doctor said there was nothing she could do for my last episode of intense joint pain, I came home and took Beau's cortisone pills. And the politician's medical insurance is $8 a month, or $38 for family, and they refused to raise the premium. I'd like to see them have to take their dog's medicine.

  5. Lotta Joy, I am sorry that you are in pain. I have a 27 year old son disabled from pain following a lightning strike. It's apparently of no interest to any medical doctor. The "pain specialists" just aren't that helpful on nerve pain. This is as much about medical incompetence as it is about money. Pain they can't see isn't of interest to most of them. No matter though, many US physicians are leaving practice completely so as not to be caught in Obamacare. I wish our veterinarians could legally treat us. Some of them are better physicians all round.

  6. We're screwed so I try to not get too worked over all of it.

    "Tell me, which place do you think would be nicer to live, Costa Rica, Belize, or Uruguay ?"

    What would be the point, the whole world is screwed. An uncle of mine moved to Belize and bought a 14 year old girl and she came with a goat, knowing my asshole uncle he ate the goat and we all know what he did with the girl.

    Anyway, hadn't given Uruguay any thought but I'm too old to move that far anyway, I'll just stick it out here, things could be worse.

    1. I was mostly joking about those nations, however I am legitimately concerned about the number of physicians, veterinarians and intelligent voting Americans who are making plans to exit the US permanently. Tell me we won't be left with people in the US who only have the critical thinking skills of a crushed gnat..... Please !

  7. Why would physicians and veterinarians leave here? They make damn good money here, I took a cat to the vet the other day and they had her in and out in twenty minutes and it was ninety bucks.

    You would like the lady at the Refuge Creek blog but the little shit has quit posting.

  8. I have a lot of friends who are physicians, and unfortunately, I see a lot of different types of veterinarians. The reasons they want to leave the US vary but their reasons are interesting. Physicians want to leave now because specialists feel that a national health system will require them to give a certain amount of time to the system free, as is done in many other nations with national health. This may be true in the future of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists. We use to own our own professional licenses, but this changed in the last few years. Now, your professional license is owned by the state and you must do what they wish (including practice where they want during emergencies they declare) or they will not renew them. One of the states I am licensed in, recently required me to be fingerprinted and to take 30 additional hours of courses they directed, and I have not lived there for 25 years. Many of them feel the landscape of healthcare will change and the physicians and patients will not have decision-making roles, only governmental boards. One veterinarian was concerned that the money she had saved for retirement will be snatched by the Federal govt. the way a percentage of funds on deposit in Cyprus were recently. They are also all feeling pressured as they are overregulated. I know what you mean about vets. The equine vet got $488. one week and then $475. from me the next week. I could have done what she did, but she has the drugs and the skills to sedate a horse and I do not.
    Never heard of the blog you mention, but I hope she posts again soon.

  9. I don't see this regime being held accountable for anything. I just love the Drudge headline today that all our phone records are being scanned and saved....

    I truly believe there are people on both sides of the aisle in on it and very few "representatives" we can trust.

  10. No, I don't yet see them being held responsible. However, the investigations are beginning or under way. Some of the things they are alleged to have done are felonies. I think there are indeed few reps that can be trusted on this.

  11. I'm confidant that the next group we put in office will continue to make things even worse.

    1. That could be. Very few politicians would do the things we must in order to get the deficit down, save the American dollar as the world's reserve currency, and develop a sensible policy concerning immigration without amnesty. It takes a lot of courage, and most of them just want to be reelected.
