Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Why Does George Soros Seek Legalization of Marijuana ?


This is Darth Vader............oh no,      I'm sorry, it's George Soros.

   When I was a teen-ager, I went to high school in a fairly wealthy Northeastern enclave. The school was and is, very highly rated.  For the most part, recession was something discussed and not experienced by most of us. (Until graduation when the gasoline shortages hit.)  One of the things I remember about that time is how prevalent marijuana use was then.  I don't use it, and didn't then, but it would have been impossible for me to locate friends who did not. Almost everyone used if you included those who used in only a limited way when they could get it.  Interestingly, from my own observations, the wealthier kids seemed to use more of it.  We had debates in those years in school.  The "goody-two-shoes" debated the negative aspects to society and to the individual, and everyone else debated that this was "a natural substance" and that it helped to relax us, manage our stress, and that "no evidence existed that it was anything but beneficial".  Then they brought alcohol into the discussion. Their point being that no one high on pot kills people with their car, and that people using alcohol which is legal, do.
            Although I don't attend reunions for any school I have ever attended, including colleges, I do keep in touch with people from each school, and recently I looked up some of my high school classmates using my son's facebook.  This was a privileged bunch who really had every advantage.   I expected astronauts, physicians, best selling authors, a rock star or two, and I have been disappointed.  From my very large high school class, there are three engineers, one nurse, a couple of college professors, no astronauts, a couple of artists, an opera singer, a piano teacher, many receptionists, a human resources manager, a mason, a clerk, some teachers,  some part-time realtors, and a lot of people who work for their husbands or their families.  A huge number of them live at home with their parents, and never left after high school or college. A number of them have died in car accidents, and one in a fire.  My own close friends, the quieter of the high school types have probably been the most successful.  I often wonder why my class of very lucky students for whom the world was their oyster, did not achieve more academically and in the world.  One of my private theories is that marijuana chilled many of them out to such a degree, that they simply didn't achieve as much as they might have otherwise.
               For those of you who don't know George Soros, he is a billionaire hedge fund operator with a fascinating life history.  Twice divorced Soros, was born Georgy Schwartz in 1930 in Hungary.  At fourteen, he emigrated to England and attended the London School of Economics. He emigrated to the US in the late fifties, and worked in the financial industry.   Although he is exceedingly wealthy and has given huge sums of money to positive organizations in the world, he is also a financial speculator who has broadly supported the Democratic Party.  He is presently giving huge sums of money to organixations which seek to legalize marijuana use in the US.  This is the most successful social engineering venture he has undertaken. Marijuana use has now been legalized in a handful of states.
              My concern is that marijuana did not leave a legacy of calm and achievement for my classmates. The US is already sinking as a world force, and we already have fewer people working than we have "on the dole" with their hand out for government aid. 
              Although I do not oppose marijuana or its active ingredient THC being made available to cancer patients, end stage multiple sclerosis patients, those receiving certain types of chemotherapy, for example, all via prescription, I think it would be very damaging to have marijuana available to everyone like soda pop.  What is George Soros trying to achieve by making marijuana legal throughout the US ?  Does he really wish to convert the US to a nation of bobble-heads ?    We are already on the way to that, without it.
          Keep prepping folks, just keep prepping.


  1. The man was a Nazi collaborator.

    Why anyone would listen to anything he has to say is beyond me.

    1. Yes, he was, and also has been involved in the collapses of various currencies. I was being more charitable than he deserves in my post. Interestingly, he wields a lot of power. Jews like him, because he was born to a Jewish Hungarian family, although they were non-practicing. Some non-Jews like him because he is very critical of the Jews. For a man in his eighties, he still wields an awful lot of very scary power in the world.

    2. At 14, he moved to England. Do you hold a teen's ideas against him for this long? Lots of Nazi sympathizers have realized their mistakes. Tell me something he has done in the last 50 years.

    3. I included being a Nazi sympathizer when it was mentioned by another person here. It is interesting historical information, since he was a Jew acting against other Jews. (Both his parents died in concentration camps, btw)
      In the last fifty years he collapsed various currencies including Malaysia for personal gain. People starved because there was a currency collapse in their country. And by the way, he believes that the US currency will collapse under the weight of the nation's debt.
      I actually gave Mr. Soros a very broad pass, and left out a great deal, in order to confine the post to be simply asking the question as to why it would benefit him to legalize marijuana in the US.

      More information on Mr. Soros:

    4. I believe mr. soros is a steward of the planet. The problem is Overpopulation. The Nazis, in spite of their cruel and ruthless ways, would have brought order and sanity to a world gone mad with making more and more babies. Consuming every resource in sight like a cancer, destroying our planet and our only home in space. Choosing between our planet Earth and the over rated human being, I choose Earth. Sorry, but there has to be mass destruction of the human race before we can bring the beauty of our planet back. Soro is right. The only people benefiting from the criminalization of marijuana are the cartels and criminals. This is just another prohibition that has to be crushed as the all previous.

    5. "bigBrother", Thank you for your post. If overpopulation is such a world broad brush problem then why has Russia, the largest country in the world by virtue of land mass, offered large cash incentives for people to have children ? If the population continues to decline in Russia, then there will be insufficient workers to run public transport, farm, run the navy and the army and operate the energy driven infrastructure. Canada, for example, has a population only 10% of the total US population. I agree with you in that birth control needs to be a national priority for those who cannot feed their children, but without people being born, there are no bright people to solve the world's problems, become physicians, statesmen or anything else. Overpopulation is an oversimplification of the world's problems.
      As for your admiration of the Nazis, they did not succeed. Their contributions to the planet, both environmentally and otherwise did not bring good to the world.
      Although I see benefit to THC, the active ingredient to marijuana, being used medically for a variety of ailments from multiple sclerosis and parkinsonism symptoms to the amelioration of cancer chemotherapy symptoms, I don't really support its broad brush recreational use. My high school in an upper middle class Northeastern enclave should have spawned some very successful people. Many of us had all the advantages. I remember marijuana use being rampant. On a recent check on facebook I found that 80% of those students still live with their parents. They never achieved much. Could it be that habitual marijuana use saps ambition and the desire to achieve ? If this is true, then perhaps this is why Mr. Soros wishes America hamstrung.

    6. If there were less people there would not be problems to solve. The Culling is already underway. Poisons in foods, weaponized diseases in the air, gmo foods to take out your digestive processes, bankruptcies engineered by the Fed. Getting ready for the pandemics and forced vaccinations. Mass grave sites have already been prepared all over the world. Soros is giving us a gift. He wants us to have marijuana to lessen the pain.

    7. There are sorrows, evils, and losses in the world, to which I can personally attest. However, there are good things happening too. Try looking beyond your own American suburban region. I don't believe that Mr. Soros has ever done anything altruistic. I do however, believe that he is a highly intelligent, though misguided man. Fortunately, he is extremely old and is sphere of influence is likely to end soon. He is not on exceptionally good terms with his children, and so, they are unlikely to continue his legacy.

  2. I sometimes shock people when my normally conservative self says that I'm not exactly against legalizing pot, though I’m not exactly for it. I think ALL medical use should be allowed. PLUS, I think that use and possession should be misdemeanors, never felonies. We send too many kids to prison for their third conviction, ruin their lives and let the hardcore inmates teach them how to REALLY be scourges on society. Yes, I realize they're trying to ruin their own lives, but the court system only seems to make it worse. And yes, I DID try it a few times when offered, but decided it wasn't for me.

    1. Gorges, I could get behind that, but I don't want it completely decriminalized. I don't want kid's teachers smoking it between classes. I don't want it to be "normal". I also think that whether it's a "gateway drug" or not, that I know enough "potheads" from my youth who don't have the intellects they used to have, to realize that the stuff isn't as innocuous as those in my youth thought.

    2. Maybe mother's milk is the gateway drug? My years in high school in Memphis were before the drug problems reached us. I graduated in 1964. Beer was the problem. These people sometimes went on to enjoy hard liquor in excess. Maybe the problem is not the "drug" but the use of any mind/conscious alternating substance. Smoking behind the gym, kissing under the stairwell, and skipping class were the real problems. Oh, yes, I forgot. There were bare knuckle fist fights in front of the gym--no weapons.

      I agree with Gorges, except that I never tried it or stayed around people who did smoke it. I am forever shocked at attorneys and other professionals who confess to smoking lots in their hs days, college, and later life. Maybe a life of entitlement and excess wealth without working for it could be a problem.

      I think that Prohibition would teach us that you cannot legislate morality. I never smoked tobacco or pot because I was taught better and took the teaching to heart. Plus, I had allergies to cigarette smoke.

      Abuse of many things destroys intellect. Huffing (sniffing aerosols) is not illegal but destructive and deadly.

      Maybe anyone who smokes pot should be made forever ineligible for any welfare or benefits.

    3. I think that teachers would not be smoking pot between classes anymore than they would be taking a swig from a flask between classes. Ooops, we know some teachers that do drink during school hours or arrive having imbibed before school. Just because a thing or activity is legal does not mean that there will not be boundaries. I do agree that there are too many substances taking away our minds these days. However, I would be upset if someone took away my caffeine or sugar, both of which are pleasurable to mebut destructive to me. I do avoid caffeine, but it is my choice.

    4. Linda,
      I have also been a teacher, and sadly the standard which used to exist, has fallen. Teachers and coaches sleep with students all too commonly, and legal marijuana gives both students and teachers something to share with which to continue the process of removing inhibitions. The boundaries in this culture and in many schools were removed long ago.
      I don't think caffeine and sugar are analogous to THC or marijuana, which is why they are not regulated.

  3. I think it's a combination of zapping the will to work from our workforce and having something to hold over people's heads if they're, say, trying to buy a gun. "I see here you visit the dispensory each week....denied."

    This is also just one of the many fronts of attack- ADHD medications, environmental estrogens, hormones in meat, GMO's, video game addiction, etc. are all doing a part to steal our vigor, especially from our young men.

  4. Interesting, but wicked nonetheless. Thanks for posting, Kristin.

  5. I live in Washington state and it's legal here now and I know a lot of folks that use it but I've never gotten interested in it.

    Generally I'm for it being legal but I'm not going into all that again, I've beat that horse for years.

  6. BBC, Thanks for posting. The reason I oppose broad brush decriminalization is that I fear that it's use would become prevalent, and misuse of this is as damaging as the misuse of many things. Of course the strictest of Libertarian views is that it's there, it grows and anyone stupid enough to abuse its use, gets what they chose.

  7. Sorry, but my experience is different. Some of the most successful that I know, by far, were the pot smokers. Some of the least successful as well.

    Other factors such as continued education, entrepreneurial drive, alcohol abuse, divorce, and as certain amount of luck/foresight to not go into a field that collapsed after you got into it, are larger determinants.

  8. Russell, I don't for a minute think that my experience as a teen is broadly applicable to everyone. In my case, it's true. As an adult, I have only one very successful friend I made after college who was an occasionally user of pot. (And I hear, a heavy user in college) However, since most of the people I know are physicians, pharmacists and nurses, and a drug conviction would lose us a license to practice that was hard fought for, it cannot be considered a representative sample.
    As for the other factors, only a few of my high school class went on for MDs or Phds, and there were no pharmacists. (A fact which I find shocking because pharmacy is such a good career for men or for women) Most of my high school class has been divorced, and I don't know then well enough to know who has had an alcohol or other addiction issue.
    My son who graduated with a degree in sculpture from the top university for sculpture in the US has said that most of his classmates used pot to "enhance creativity" however, the ones who found jobs after college, were the ones who didn't.

  9. I would simply say to you all “awesome information” large glass pipes here

    1. Thanks for your comment David. Please tell me that you are suggesting that we get glass pipes (for bongs) for simply artistic or sculptural purposes, aren't you ? Sort of a "memory of early youth" ?
