Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Reconditioning a Car Battery

Remember, there is acid in those batteries !

Denob over at The Prepared Canadian was the first to put up this video.   Please check out his site, certainly if you are Canadian, and even if you're not.

 I am also pleased to bring it to the attention of readers here. John Milandred, in the video, is my old boss. He was the original producer to Rational Preparedness when it was a radio show on Monday evenings between 8 pm and 9.   To say that this man is mechanical would be like saying that the Atlantic Ocean is a little bit wet.  John is a very bright guy.   Of course, if you decide to do this, make sure you implement all the safety precautions John mentions.

Reconditioning a Car Battery                        John Milandred

UPDATE:    John originally created this video to be used in an emergency situation.




  1. Howdy dudes! Astonishing stuff keep it up!!

  2. Just found this post and wanted to say thank you. I have also done this with 3 batteries that are only 3 to 4 years old. This was meant for an emergency or collapse system. I do recommend just buying a new battery when you can.


    The Bushcraft Macgyver

    1. Thanks for visiting, John. We are grateful for the information, and this was indeed a popular post. Please visit this blog again.

  3. Never the less ,you efforts are very marvelous , wonderful

    Automotive Battery Manufacturers in South East Asia

  4. Replies
    1. Austin,
      If you decide to do this in an emergency, make sure you follow all the safety recommendations. Best wishes.
