Saturday, April 6, 2013

You Must Read, "Treadwell"

           In all honesty, one of the great joys of being a new author, is being able to encourage and help to direct other authors.   Dana Joy Wyzard is a friend of mine who is absolutely gifted with a fabulous sense of humor, keen observational skills and compassion.   As a writer, she has an uncanny ability to grasp the reader in the very early stages of the work, and capture their attention.
           Ms. Wyzard's first book, Treadwell was released recently, and is an absolute treat to anyone who reads it.    Despite the fact that Dana and I became acquainted through our activities with regard to the preparedness community, the book is not about preparedness.  It does however, concern the true fortitude of an older woman in difficult circumstances, and for this reason alone, would be very interesting to those in the preparedness community.  It is however, a well written and spellbinding book for anyone.

This is a synopsis:

After living for sixty years in the cabin of her birth, Nelda Pike is as resilient and self-reliant as she needs to be. Like other residents in the backwoods town of Treadwell, she guards her anonymity with a fierce tenacity and a shotgun. When she discovers a terrified young woman stumbling beside the country road, Nelda goes against her better judgment and offers temporary sanctuary. As the only witness to her mother’s brutal murder, seventeen year old Laura is running for her life. Successfully tracking her to Nelda’s secluded cabin, the killers forcibly abduct Laura and disappear into the backwoods. Enraged, Nelda reaches out to her lifelong friend, Wosie Mae - a woman as irascible and indomitable as Nelda herself – for help. Together, two old women with shotguns, and a geriatric hound, are now on the murderer’s trail.

You can pick up your own copy of this book fairly quickly at amazon

 Buy paperback copy here

 Buy hardcover here

 Electronically on Kobo

Barnes and


The Book Depository with free shipping worldwide !

This book is available internationally !

You can read this on:     

You may read samples of chapters at:

Other sources of this book:

To read about Dana Joy Wyzard:

 Whatever you pay for this book, I believe it will be in your library for a long time, and will be a treasure.  It is indeed a treasure at my house.

I have also profiled this book on one of my other blogs:

Jane Becomes an Author

Please visit our other blogs sometimes soon:

What I Learned from Daniel


  1. Holy crap in a cathedral! You did more wonderful links for my book than I EVER could! You are a wonder to the world of blogville, and I bequeath unto you my dear Stud. . . I'm not exactly done with him yet, so I'll have to get back to you on that.

    Now, if you can do anything regarding movie rights...I can be done with him a lot sooner.

    1. My dear friend, It is a joy to bring others to your wonderful work. I think I may be updating this post and adding more links as time goes on. I am so proud of the way you readied this work for publication so quickly. The artwork is also fantastic. You deserve every measure of success you receive, and it wouldn't surprise me if you did sell the movie rights ! Fondly,

  2. Greetings Jane,

    Dana has directed me to your blog. You sum it up rather well that being a new author you can bring further awareness of new authors.

    I specialise in bringing awareness of new authors and you have given a glowing endorsement for Dana's book. I also promoted "Treadwell" and I think it's fantastic that you have kindly shared her book on your site. I know we both wish her well.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Gary :)

    1. Dana is an incredible author, and reading anything she writes is a treat. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. It is a great pleasure to bring others to Dana's work.

  3. I am dying to get my hand on the book...when I can afford it. As god is my witness, I will have that book!

    1. We have both enjoyed Dana's blog, and it is so good to have an entire book of her work in our hands. I hope you can get the book soon. Best wishes.

  4. What a great review! I'm almost done with Treadwell, and I LOVE it. I hope you can post your review on Amazon, too.

    Janie Junebug

    1. Thank you Janie. I plan to place reviews of Treadwell anywhere that will permit me to, in the next couple of weeks as time permits. I hope everyone else does too !

    2. Jane, you and Janie have been SO NICE to me and have put so much work into publicizing my book. You have humbled me, and god knows my head was starting to hurt from the 'expansion effect'. Without people like you, I'd be a silent tree falling in the forest.

    3. Lotta Joy, It's good work and it deserves to be publicized by as many people as possible !

    4. Again, thank you dear friend. Thank you.
