Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What Are the People Who Should Know Saying ?

Many families, particularly on rural properties have quite a bit of money in guns.

  Being in Virginia, I am acquainted with a lot of former law enforcement, former alphabet agency, SWAT team members, sheriffs, detectives, etc.  We also have friends who are gunsmiths and former Marines or Special Forces.  Some of them actually start businesses in tactical supplies and weapons after they retire, and if you can drop in enough that they consider you a regular, they will tell you what they think.
           I have been taking my own informal survey of people who should know about firearms and attempts to restrict them.  The commentary of these men and one woman, are pretty interesting.  I will try to share these as accurately as I can.  Of course, this is anecdotal and not scientific information, but it is interesting to hear how they are thinking.   Most of them believe that a token attempt to restrict firearms will be made but that it will be largely unsuccessful.  Their thinking is that all of the attacks of innocent people occurred in places which were "gun free zones".  Their thinking is that if there were fewer places that people went which amounted to being lambs at slaughter then fewer massacres would take place.   Others are not so philosophical. Some of them feel that Obama is part of an organized mission to snare basic God given freedoms from the American people, and that the disarming of America is a preface to permanent rule by Mr. Obama which would leave us in a communistic state just as Cuba sets communism aside as a failed experiment.

Gunshops are busier now than they have ever been as law abiding citizens wonder if they will be restricted from buying weapons in the near future.

          The most harrowing version of what could be was expressed to me today.  At least one person expressed to me that a broad brush prohibition of  "all automatic weapons" would pass.  This would be a broad brush interpretation of "The Brady Bill" on a national level.   Of course, "all automatic weapons" to the government would likely include most of the most effective handguns which have been used worldwide for years.  Since actual automatic weapons have been outlawed for many years, some in the 1960s and others in the 1980s, all that is left to restrict furthur are semi-automatic rifles.   At first, these would not need to be turned in.  One would not be able to convey such weapons to anyone, and for probably two years would be permitted to keep them. However, at the end of the two years, these would need to be turned in, or the possessor would become a felon.

A compact weapon nicely holstered.


           This is where the interesting part comes in.   I have not yet located a military person who says he would go house to house disarming peaceful Americans.  The sheriff's office says they aren't trained to do that, and consider that this would be a suicide mission.  Most of the Americans I have spoken with believe that it is their Constitutional right to own a weapon, and that if it were legal when they acquired it, that it should stay that way.  The former military people I spoke with have said they will never relinquish their own weapons. In fact, most of them say the same thing, which is, "They will take this weapon from my cold dead hands".  This of course, is a frightening thought.   One of them told me that the only group who would come to the US and confiscate firearms on a house to house basis would be United Nations troops, and that they would open fire on them.  Many of the people I spoke to felt that this was worth fighting a Civil War over.
          What would I do ?   I don't know.   I might fight if it were just my husband and I here, but fighting with our children present would not be easy. A lot of people would run.
             Give this some thought.  If the government gave you a two year amnesty in which to turn in your weapons, would you do it ?   An awful lot of people simply would not.   A lot of people would consider a regime that would ask them to set aside the Constitution to be an illegitimate regime. This could be an issue which turns more than half of America into technical felons.  Wow, somehow I wrote this entire post without using the words "Republicans", "Democrats", "Progressives" or "Socialists". But, I think you got the idea.


  1. Replies
    1. Right now, elements of the Patriot Act allows the government, after declaring whatever they think an emergency is, to seize and redistribute food and supplies as they see fit, without as much as providing the owner with a receipt. This type of thing makes the wholesale seizure of our weapons, much more possible.

  2. I've always said if it came to it I'd send the wife out the back door, so to speak, then stand my ground at the front. Don't worry, we'll have advance notice before 'they' begin their suicide mission. Pray it never happens, but if so, it will separate the men from the boys.

    1. It makes me sick t think of how many people would die on both sides should such an attempt at circumventing the Constitution were to occur.

  3. Having had two break-ins where my many guns were stolen and traded for drugs, I know how the police interrogation goes: "Anything taken?"

    "My money and my guns."

    "Do you have the serial numbers on the guns?"


    The ONLY time I would use my gun would be in defense of my or my families lives.

    AFTER I reported my THIRD break-in, and how my last guns were stolen, what would they have to confiscate from me?

    But I would still have my protection at hand.

    The ONLY act that will stop bad guys with guns will be good guys with guns....and the right to use them. When the right is taken away, I hope we will still have our guns. Being illegal is better than being unarmed.

    1. Yes, being illegal is better than being unarmed.

  4. Well, folks, we may soon find out as Illinois is going to try this ban on a state level.

    1. The state which so cheerfully brought us both Mr. Obama, and Al Capone.

  5. Such a scenario would be unenforceable, because neither the cops nor the military would enforce it, and I don't think the UN would have the stones to even try. The most likely result of any such law would be mass civil disobedience followed by secession of numerous states, followed by outright civil war, especially if the UN dared to step in.

    1. Thanks David, I hope you're right. Homeschooling is legal in the US, but isolated school systems still find ways to torture occasional homeschool families, and many times what they ask of them is illegal. I worry that these same principles will be applied in different places in the US with regard to weapons.

  6. The current makeup of congress makes this unlikely. But one of the biggest stumbling blocks is pro-gun Democrats in rural areas. Much of the current discussion is not helping them out a whole lot. If it becomes completely a one party issues (and its getting close) than you are very much at risk with a change over in the supreme court attitudes. The fence sitters in the Supreme Court often blow with the political winds.

    1. This is a scary time. So much has passed that I would have predicted would not have. I have concerns sometimes that in ten years, we will not recognize this country.

  7. Did you see the alert from the VCDL last night? They are already "compromising" and it isn't good.

  8. I wonder why TPTB knows it's imperative to have nuclear weapons to keep other nations from using their nuclear weapons against us but quibble about our need to have personal weapons to protect us against criminals with personal weapons. IDK. Does this make any sense?

    1. I would still rather have a handgun in my hand, than the entire SWAT team on the phone...
