Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Watching an Inauguration

I'll bet they are happy.  Vacations, salmon, shrimp, lobster and steak all made by a chef for four more years while they push a progressive agenda.  Hail the Mayonnaise Police !

    I spent the entire afternoon at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Virginia.   Yes, this is the one in which Christopher Reeve spent so much time after his tragic accident which paralyzed him.   I took one of my adult sons to a specialist and we were there four hours. That did not count the forty minutes it took to park in the new deck during the new construction which has continued now beyond a year and a half. Great changes have come to the University of Virginia as they gear up for Obamacare and all that means.  A lot of the changes are not good ones.   A portion of this time was spent in a waiting room with a lot of other patients also waiting to see a physician.   While we were there, the second inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama was going on and waiting patients and families  were watching it on a large TV. This one appeared to have been specially anchored with an earthquake anchor from above, which was likely placed there after the 5.8 earthquake in 2011, which destroyed schools a county away and destroyed a number of homes in a neighboring county.  It looked like overkill to me, but I am not a construction engineer, and this is a hospital.
               Most of you know that Mr. Obama is not my favorite political figure.  Of course, I don't know the man personally. What I dislike I know from his books which I bought from half.com prior to his election on the first go-round.  He struck me as a tragic figure, a young boy, abandoned by his father who was left to be raised and educated by his mother, and grandparents, and eventually also a step-father named Soetoro. He grew up in a time in which it was likely not to have been very easy to be a biracial child.  In his books, he advances many ideas of which I simply do not agree. He believes that government has a duty to be all things to the downtrodden, whereas I do not.  I believe that in a free republic, that everyone has an opportunity to do well, and that over time, they will.  I have a Chinese dentist, African American friends who are cardiologists, and one who is the former governor of Virginia.  There were opportunities here, and they did exist for everyone who worked hard, prepared with education, and then stepped up to those opportunities. To my way of thinking, Mr. Obama is a socialist, and I am a capitalist.   When  capitalism fails, it self adjusts, whereas socialism does not, and consistently does not work in a sustained fashion. Eventually, socialists run out of other people's money to spend.
                What was interesting about today was the response of the people in the waiting room.  I have been flabbergasted that Mr. Obama received a second term, but now, I accept that others want such representation and so I wouldn't upset people who are simply in a waiting room trying to get health care.  Since a number of them are Medicaid patients, they may well like Mr. Obama.  I sat in the waiting room quietly listening to the festivities.  Then, I listened as the conversations began.  "Even if he says he's a Christian, he's a Muslim" a woman in her sixties said.  Another said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he worshipped Satan !"    "I hear he is going to have the National Guard come door to door and take all our guns" said another.  "Look, he looks evil," said another.   My son and I stayed quiet.  The patients throughout the waiting room both white and black were angry.  Apparently, the loss of some dollars taken as additional taxes commencing in January has angered some people.   You would think I would have been pleased that more people understand that Mr. Obama may not be the angel of deliverance that some people had believed.  I was not happy.   We are entering a very difficult time. Our nation owes more debt than it ever has.  Our president is inept, inexperienced and spends money freely in an era in which we need to consider austerity if our nation is to survive.  He does not understand that spending more and more money and bankrupting our nation, is not going to benefit its citizens.  However, it is fascinating to me that prior to the election, a lot of people were quiet.  Now that seventy more dollars is being held from their weekly paycheck and the President would like to heavily restrict if not call in firearms, people have decided he is worth badmouthing.  It is interesting to me that a few of the things they said about the president were not actually true. I don't think he is a Satanist, and although his view of Christianity isn't mine, he doesn't appear to practice Islam.
            It has never been my intention here to get people to stand up against anyone in particular.  My intent is, and always has been to get the public to educate themselves and then to make the decisions which best benefit them.  My beliefs are is that firearms are a Second Amendment right and that I do not like to see them, or ammunition restricted to anyone except those who have mental health issues and are being treated for them.  I am kind and decent to gays and lesbians, but I do not think that a society or culture should embrace homosexuality or lesbianism on an equal footing with conventional marriage.  I honestly cannot see why gay partners cannot make each other their Powers of Attorney. I also can't see how my being forced to buy ANY product at all, let alone health insurance, can be Constitutional.  However, these are my views, and others are certainly entitled to their own.
         In conclusion, I would like to say I did not vote for Barack Hussein Obama either time. I read his books and I do not share his concerns for what he sees as  American oppression of the world.   My father and mother's ancestors did not keep slaves at any time.  They hired people to work their farms and they worked beside them. Sometimes, our ancestors dropped dead next to them.   My great grandfather's Californian ranch worked with he and his sons working right beside their Chinese employees, who were very valued.    One of my great grandmother's ancestors was an indentured servant for four years in Nova Scotia until he could earn enough money to buy his own forty acres and start his own orchard, which he eventually did.    So, if you get the the point where you wish to redistribute the wealth from me to African Americans, Mr. Obama, I am here to tell you that no restitution is necessary.   My people worked just as hard as yours, perhaps even more so.
         Good luck with your continued agenda.  You are going to need it. Americans are waking up.


  1. We were just there at that hospital a couple of weeks ago and used the new parking garage. I actually like it no better than the older one.

    And he does understand. The easiest way to fundamentally transform this nation into his idea of a paradise is to break it financially. I believe it's all part of his plan. If you look at it that way then the things he does doesn't seem so bizarre.

  2. Matt, I think you are right.
    So much of my life has been spent in association with UVA Medical Center. I used to teach to prepare health care workers indirectly for them. This hospital saved my eldest son's life and removed his colon nine years ago. My youngest son's DNA samples, brain tissue and his heart, following his sudden passing, still reside at UVA in the pathology department. I used to believe that they were the best hospital in the country. They too have adopted very liberal ideas. Illegal aliens can have babies there, and run up a million dollar NICU bill, yet, I had better have a two hundred dollar copay while leaving the ER. I also go to collection within two weeks of receiving services if I don't pay. I am seriously considering St. Mary's in Richmond.

  3. At last, someone with an informed opinion. Keep up the good work!

    1. We will continue to call them as we see them. Seriously, there is enough that Mr. Obama says and does that is worthy of comment and concern without bringing his religion, his grades, his parentage, or anything else in to it. I simply disagree with his perspective.

  4. I lost a reader today, due to our difference in beliefs. How odd that a difference meant that I, as a person, was to be avoided. I've never been mean spirited. And it angers me when people continue to say the same things that have been said about Obama since he first popped up from nowhere. They are totally missing the point, they never bothered searching further than a rumor. He could be an athiest, and still have the nation as his first area of protection. The fact he doesn't, is still over-ridden by rumors of his religion. arghhhh

    1. Joy, I noticed that today. I did not understand why your poster took umbrage. I believe he said that you and he differ on what the Second Amendment says. This confused me as I don't think it's open to a great deal of interpretation. All I can say is that you write GREAT commentary and that you are hysterical ! If someone needs a break from that, then they are having a bad week. Perhaps they will be back another time. Love to you and yours.

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  6. With you Jane in your concerns. Thank you for putting these things clearly before us.
    I don't watch the news. For me, since I quit watching TV years ago, it has become too painful to sit and watch things unfold that are clearly not meant to be-I often feel that someone needs to wave their hand in the air and tell the world that the Emperor is indeed in need of clothes.

  7. By the way, this picture reminds me of the shot of Clinton and Hillary dancing at his second inauguration. There was a glint in their eyes that said, "Hey, we did it again!".
    High fives indeed.

  8. Marie, Thanks for your comments. It certainly can be painful to watch. We are stretching our oatmeal and they are looking for the next lobster dinner. I wouldn't mind if I thought there was management and work going on which benefitted the country, but I just don't see it.

  9. Yes, just like in the Depression when people ate their cornflakes with water and considered themselves blessed to have the cornflakes.
    I'm horrified that I voted for him in '08. My thoughts were that finally our country could overcome some of the prejudices and separations that we've had for hundreds of years.
    My hopes came to a sudden halt when Michelle informed us all on her husband's election that she was proud of her country for the first time in her life... how telling.
    It's becoming apparent that Obama isn't fulfilling the hopes of anyone-except maybe those on welfare.
    Rather than bringing a unifying spirit to this country the current administration seems to have created more of a schism than ever before.
    I'm dismayed.

    1. I'm dismayed myself.... Many of us are still horrified that he was elected twice!

      The info for what kind of politics Obama endorsed and what kind of president he would be was out there long before '08, including the bit about Mrs. Obama being ashamed about her country.

      Thanks bunches.

    2. Thanks, Matt. I hope that Congress decides to tightly watch the Executive Branch, and challenge the oversteps when they regularly occur.

  10. About Michelle, How interesting that she was not proud of her nation. She grew up in the South side of Chicago, and attended Princeton University, and then Harvard Law School. Attending those schools from a background of privilege is difficult, and certainly not guaranteed. She went from poverty to the supposed best education our nation has to offer. How could our nation not strike her as miraculous ? In so many nations in the world, most women never receive a university education, let alone a chance to become an attorney. Her whining about our country falls flat.
    I still think our nation was miraculous, and I was not half that fortunate. I graduated from high school in three years and went to college. I could not afford pre-med and medical school, although I attended for a year. So, I completed an LPN program, and I worked as an LPN while getting my RN. Then, I worked as an RN and continued my education. There was no Princeton for me. However, I am not whining that our country through some perceived injustice duped me out of medical school. We ALL have to work for what we receive, and some years it's tougher than others.
