Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Some Points on Large Animal Evacuation......Corral Panels

      Most of us can relocate ourselves and our smaller pets pretty well in an emergency, but this can become quite a challenge for those of us with even well behaved larger animals.    Horses, llamas, miniature horses, goats, mules, cows and others all deserve to be saved from fires and other hazards, and they deserve some advance planning.
       Most of the time, your farm vet knows who has spare fenced areas within your community, and you should contact him/her for information in advance which allows you to set up cooperative animal evacuation arrangements with those who have adequate space, water, and temporary housing for your animals.
Sometimes however, establishing an evacuation plan, getting an animal transport trailer, and touching base with a neighbor who could accomodate you in an emergency, isn't enough.  Sometimes, everyone you know must evacuate animals from an area.   What do you do when you are left removing your animals and you are not sure where you might go ?
        The above picture is of a set of corral panels.  These panels come with hooks which allow them to be hooked on the side of an animal trailer.  Owning a set of corral panels, allows you to head out with your animals to a friend's or pre-arranged relative's house who may have land, but no fencing.  This allows you to transport and set up a small corral area, outside your trailer for your animals while you are planning better short term disaster housing for them.

Most people corral horses with these, but they can be used for many other larger animals on a temporary basis.

These store well, and can be moved by one or two people.  They can also be painted.

Hooking these to the side of your animal trailer need not be difficult.

      Corral panels can be purchased from most large agricultural supply houses.  Lucky people can buy a set used fairly reasonably.   It may also make sense to keep a spare set, should anyone ever need to relocate some animals to you temporarily.

       These are a big boon to my farm because although I can evacuate my animals to my daughter's new home with acreage, she has no fencing yet. We could use this as temporary fencing until then, for the animals who should not be tied..
       Of course, moving your animals to an unfamiliar location with weaker/temporary fencing, means that you will need to station your own dogs near them as sentries, and that you may wish to have them set up nearer the house than you normally would.  Some livestock owners especially those with young animals might want to bunk nearby, and keep an eye out for animal predators.

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