Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

            Russian Orthodox Christmas is celebrated in early January.   Here in the US, most Christians celebrate it on December 25th.     May this song help you remember the reason for the season.  Merry Christmas.

             We spent a quieter Christmas than most, remembering the family members who have passed in the last few years, both young and old.  Our remaining kids, several of them grown, were home, and we had a traditional Christmas dinner of turkey, potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, stuffing, and rolls. We chose to skip making a dessert this year. We were full afterward.   We wish all of you who are celebrating Christians, a meaningful Christmas this year.  As our Lord and Savior would have us do, we also wish those of you who practice another faith, best wishes and a blessed day also.

Merry Christmas to all !

This is Barlow Girl,a group of sisters who hail from the Chicago, Illinois area.

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