Sunday, December 11, 2011

An Additional Kefir Recipe

This is an additional recipe for Kefir, which was obtained from:

I do not know that I am sold on ALL the health benefits as stated below, but certainly boosting the positive bacteria in the gut allows the entire body to function optimally digestively and from an immune standpoint.

Recipe begins here:

Making your own Kefir not only is highly beneficial for your health, but it is also incredibly easy to make (and fun too!) People have many different ways of making their own Kefir, but here is our simple technique to get you started…Hope you enjoy!
To begin making your own Kefir, you will need the following supplies:

  • 2-3 Large Wide-Mouth Glass Jars (32 oz Mason Jars work Great!)
  • Wooden Spoon (Preferably with Holes)
  • Small Strainer (Ideally a plastic strainer since metals interferes with the kefir grains (stainless steel ok))
  • Cheese Cloth (Or a lid…Used to cover the jar during fermentation)
  • Fresh Milk (From Cow, Goat or Sheep. We prefer Goat as it is easiest for most people to digest, sometimes even those with lactose intolerances! And if you have access to Raw Milk, even better!)
  • Kefir Grains (Choose a high-quality strain such as Cultures For Health)
Please Note: It is very important to make sure that everything you use is VERY clean to avoid any contamination during fermentation. They should be washed with gentle soap and unchlorinated water and then left to air-dry.


Step 1 . Preparing the Culture
Place the Kefir Grains in your glass jar. Use roughly 1-3 tbsps of grains per Quart of Milk. Pour milk over the top to fill the jar. If you have a lid, then loosely seal it on (so that pressure can escape). And if you are using cheese cloth, then stretch it over top and wrap a rubber band around the jar’s mouth to secure. The idea is to keep fruit flies/insects out, yet still allow the grains to breath. Now you’re ready to ferment!
Step 2. Let the Fermentation Begin!
Place your jar in a safe spot away from light and at room temperature. Noting that warm air speeds up the growth and cold air slows it down. Now simply leave the jar alone and wait anywhere from 12-48 hours! How long you leave your kefir to ferment is really up to you. People have many different preferences, but we prefer leaving it for 24 hours. 12 hours makes a thinner, sweeter Kefir and 48 hours makes a thicker, tangier Kefir. At a few points along the way, feel free to stir (with a wooden spoon) and taste your batch to find just the right fizz for you! You should be able to tell that it is alive!
Step 3. Ready to Drink
So your jar of milk has been sitting out for a day and it is to your liking… Now it is almost time to enjoy! But first, we must strain out the grains. Simply pour your milk through a non-metal strainer and into a clean new jar. This is your Kefir ready to drink… And remaining in your strainer are the gelatinous grains which can be re-used forever – this is the magic of Kefir! If you plan to make more right away, then simply place those grains (which do not need to be washed) in new jar and repeat the process from step 1. Otherwise cover them in a little milk and then store in the fridge for later use. And there you have it folks, making Kefir is that easy!
Important Things to Note:
  • Kefir Grains will multiply and grow forever. It is an endless self propagating process. In only a few weeks of making Kefir, you might have even double what you started with. You can share your excess grains with friends or divide them in half and start two batches! I’ve been using my grains from Cultures For Health for years and they are still living and healthy!
  • Try to obtain kefir grains, not just a “starter”, which is sometimes sold. Kefir grains can be used “forever”, whereas “starters” can only be used 7 times or so.
  • To store kefir grains if not in use, simply submerge in a little milk, cover and leave in fridge for about two weeks.
  • Be very certain to never use metal implements. It will begin to break down the life force within. However a stainless steel strainer is allowed.
  • Your Kefir grains might require an adjustment period of a batch or two after events like being shipped or switching types of milk. When you receive your kefir grains, don’t be disappointed if the first couple of batches taste awful! The yeast build-up during shipping needs to level out. When switching types of milk, your kefir will go through a couple of “transition” batches, where it may taste differently, as well. For this reason, it’s best to stick with one type of milk if possible, using excess grains for other types.

This video is a nice quick demonstration of just how easy it is to make your own kefir! Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions (-:
Making kefir yourself rather than buying it pre made in a store is the best way to utilize the health benefits. The store bought versions contain far less of the naturally occurring probiotic organisms than the homemade version. The miracle secrets are hidden in the yeasts and bacteria within which come to life during fermentation. Originating among shepherds in the North Caucasus region of Russia, kefir has long been drunk by people around the world for good health and immunity leading to a long life. Loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and probiotics, kefir is a natural cure for almost everything from hypertension to insomnia. Here are just a few of the many things that kefir has been known to help with:
  • Increases endurance against microbial infections
  • Reduces stress, calms & strengthens the nervous system
  • Cleanses the intestines
  • Alleviates insomnia & neural depression
  • Prevents vein hardness & muscle spasms
  • Reduces hypertension and balances cholesterol
  • Cleans the blood while removing irregularities
  • Aids in treatment of liver diseases
  • Helps with Eczema and similar skin disorders
  • Encourages rapid healing of injuries and burns
  • Cures urinary inflammations
  • Good for gastric and intestinal disorders
  • Regulates and greatly aids in digestion
  • Ideal for a healthy diet preventing weight gain
  • Strengthens bones and contributes to sound muscle formation
  • Slows the aging process by maintaining continual biological renewal
  • Cleans the blood from detrimental materials with it’s antioxidant benefits
  • Reduces side effects of Menopause
  • Greatly contributes to cell renewal
  • Helps to neutralize radiation and and chemotherapy treatment
  • Aids in cancer prevention
  • Energizes the brain and creates mental clarity
  • Positive role on normal growth
  • For the treatment of Anemia and B-12 deficiencies
  • Strengthens immune and nervous system

Why I am obsessed with making Kefir!

by admin on March 22, 2011
To be honest I don’t really like milk, never really have… but I have found fermented Kefir to be much different! In fact, I’ve been drinking goat milk kefir for years now because I find it very soothing and calming to my stomach.  I’ve always bought it from the store, but not until recently did I realize I can just make my own, packed with even more nutrients and for much cheaper! I recently read the book “Body Ecology Diet” by Donna Gates (which I highly recommend BTW), which helped me realize just how incredible, and important Kefir really is for your overall health and well-being. It is like REAL super-charged living pro-biotics which are required by your digestive system to help process all your nutrients you ingest and send them to the appropriate places to help your body nourish and heal itself. It keeps things running smoothly. And not until I tried my own homemade kefir did I realize the difference from the store-bought kind. My skin has become clearer and softer, more youthful looking, I hardly ever experience indigestion and I have endless energy. These personal results are what prompted me to share the knowledge of just how easy and beneficial making your own kefir can be!! I hope you all enjoy. Please let me know how it goes for you!

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