Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rational Preparedness 5 10/03 by Prepper Podcast | Blog Talk Radio

Rational Preparedness 5 10/03 by Prepper Podcast | Blog Talk Radio

(The above direct link to the show, which aired on October 3, 2011 is a REPLAY of an earlier program, Episode 3)

       Episode 3 was a step by step discussion of preparations necessary in order to effect a rapid family evacuation from your home or farm.

Updates since this episode aired originally: The central Virginia community in the next county from me, whose twin nuclear reactors automatically shut down as designed due to the 5.8 earthquake in late August, has now almost completed its Nuclear Regulatory Committee inspections.  It should return to being online again soon, despite the fact that it was built when this general area was not known to be a seismically active one.    Additionally, central Virginia homes who did not lose their chimneys, are being told to pay for a professional chimney evaluation, as subtle cracks in the chimney can cause fires and carbon monoxide leakage into homes later in the season when these are used more frequently.

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