Tuesday, October 25, 2011

From "The Extinction Protocol" ---------- Interesting

   Today, a Red Alert was sent out in the United Kingdom to cell phones.  This appears to be why.  The impact of "red auroras" on seismic and weather activity is not yet understood.

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They’re back and scientists aren’t exactly sure why: Red night aurora burst over U.S. skies

October 25, 2011AURORAS IN THE USA: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth on Oct. 24th at approximately 1800 UT (2:00 pm EDT). The impact strongly compressed Earth’s magnetic field, directly exposing geosynchronous satellites to solar wind plasma, and sparked an intense geomagnetic storm. As night fell over North America, auroras spilled across the Canadian border into the contiguous United States. Indeed, the display spread all the way down to Arkansas. “When I saw the alert, I ran outside and immediately saw red auroras,” reports Brian Emfinger from the city of Ozark. “Within a few minutes the auroras went crazy! Unbelievable!” Auroras were seen or photographed in more than half of all US states including Alabama, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Nebraska, Kentucky, North Carolina, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Maryland, New York, Montana, Ohio, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Minnesota, Maine, Michigan, Oregon, Arkansas and California. Many observers, especially in the deep south, commented on the pure red color of the lights they saw. These rare all-red auroras sometimes appear during intense geomagnetic storms. They occur some 300 to 500 km above Earth’s surface and are not yet fully understood. The storm is subsiding now. Nevertheless, high-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as Earth’s magnetic field continues to reverberate from the CME impact. –Space Weather
contribution by Kaos
     The "Extinction Protocol" is apparently the name of a website, and the name itself need not strike fear causing us to run into the streets shreiking.   I included their article and credited them, because it is quite interesting.

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