Sunday, October 23, 2011

Earthquake in Turkey Collapses Buildings

  There certainly have been a lot of earthquakes in a variety of locations on Earth lately.  Today, a 7.2 earthquake occurred in Ankara, Turkey.  It caused the collapse of a number of buildings. 300 people are known to be dead, and 350 are suspected to be injured.  Thus far, this is very preliminary data.

         So far, eighty buildings are believed to have collapsed, and more than 100 aftershocks are reported to have occurred.  There is no way of accurately assessing the number of people who are trapped within building rubble. The death toll potentially could go much higher.  Many people tonight will be spending the night outside, away from buildings which may fall in aftershocks overnight.  Please pray for these people, regardless of your faith, or of there's.  We are all part of a family of man, and we are all vulnerable to the occurrences on our planet.

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